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  • I’m having the same problem, real time dashboard/stats page no longer shows any visitors after the timestamp of when the update was installed.

    Plugin Contributor helened


    Thanks for reporting this and sorry that you are experiencing problems.

    Can you access Wassup – Options screen? If so, check the settings for Wassup recording and under [Manage File & Data] tab, scroll down and look for any “red” highlighted items under the Server settings. Also please tell us what version of WordPress you are using and the PHP and MySQL versions as well.

    WordPress Version: 4.4
    WassUp Version: 1.9
    PHP Version: 5.5.30
    MySQL Version: 5.1.73-log

    In red is
    MySQL Max User Connections: 18 (possibly too small)
    WordPress Memory Allocation: 40M
    Current WassUp table usage is: 393.9 Mb (967882 records)

    Was working fine up until update. Hasn’t logged anything since update.

    Disable/Re-enabled the plugin did the fix for me (read it over in another thread from today).

    Same problem here… but only at ONE domain with a higher visitor flow. There are no problems with the new version at a domain with 10 visitors per day.

    WordPress 4.4 and NOTHING is red under the server settings.

    I deleted every entry older than 24 hours. I deactivated and reactivated… nothing helps.

    Right now I see the graph with 311 visitors and 800 pageviews.

    Under it… NOTHING. Only a pagination for 4 pages.

    I changed pagination to 20 visitors per page. That doesn’t help.

    I deleted every entry in the Ip exclution… No chance.

    Must have something to do with the number of entries.

    Tried another domain with 67 visitors and 110 pageviews in the last 24 hours. Same problems. But here 3 entries are red:

    WordPress Cache: On
    WordPress Memory: 40M
    PHP Disabled functions: shell_exec

    Oh… and it’s a VIEW problem. The visitor recording works while I can’t see the results. Copied back the old plugin version and evety visitor is just in the records.

    I installed and used a plugin called WP Rollback to roll back to the last version until the fix is out.

    I’m having the same issue.

    two error messages after reinstalling the plugin:

    WassUp 1.9: WassUp cannot generate accurate statistics with page caching enabled. If your cache plugin stores whole WordPress pages/posts as static HTML, then WassUp won't run properly. Please deactivate your cache plugin and remove "WP_CACHE" from "wp_config.php" or switch to a different statistics plugin.

    The plugin generated 177 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    The plugin is however active, and has recently recorded 2 bots, but nothing else.

    Options: shell_exec disabled, 40M memory, WordPress Cache: on

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