Same problem here… but only at ONE domain with a higher visitor flow. There are no problems with the new version at a domain with 10 visitors per day.
WordPress 4.4 and NOTHING is red under the server settings.
I deleted every entry older than 24 hours. I deactivated and reactivated… nothing helps.
Right now I see the graph with 311 visitors and 800 pageviews.
Under it… NOTHING. Only a pagination for 4 pages.
I changed pagination to 20 visitors per page. That doesn’t help.
I deleted every entry in the Ip exclution… No chance.
Must have something to do with the number of entries.
Tried another domain with 67 visitors and 110 pageviews in the last 24 hours. Same problems. But here 3 entries are red:
WordPress Cache: On
WordPress Memory: 40M
PHP Disabled functions: shell_exec