I had the same problem edit the plugin css code in:
I changed the following lines and now have my dictionary listed ‘terms’ in red bold underlined with a gap between one listed term definition and the next while also having a faint separating line below each definition too. It really makes a difference in presenting the dictionary / glossary page.
.explanatory-dictionary-entry-word {
font-weight: bold; color:#FC050D; border-bottom: 2px solid;
.explanatory-dictionary-entry {
margin-top:25px; margin-bottom:10px; border-bottom: 2px solid #E2DCDC;
If you have long definitions and you want to include paragraphs then using
< b r / > <b r / > in the definition creates a new line (without the spaces).
you can also use < b >bold< / b > html tags for *bold*
and probably < i >italics < / i > (again remove space in codes)