• Resolved MarketMeNot


    I have a loop of posts setup as a function in functions.php and within this I am trying to return the rating value for each post. When I use the loop outside of functions.php (hardcoded to the page) it works just fine. Only when the loop is used as a function in functions.php does it returns nothing. Anyone know why this might be happening?

    function TheAdListTax ( $Tax , $Term , $BrandName , $BrandLink ) { ?>
    <div class="ListOfAdsWrap">
    	<div class="ListOfAds NewAds">
    		<h2 class="ListOfAdsLabel"><a href="<?php echo $BrandLink; ?>">New <?php echo $BrandName; ?> Commercials</a></h2>
    		<ul class="AllAdsInList">
    		$args = array(
    			'showposts' => 4,
    			'post_status' => 'publish',
    			'tax_query' => array(
    					'taxonomy' => $Tax,
    					'field' => 'slug',
    					'terms' => $Term
    		$NewPosts = new WP_Query(); $NewPosts->query($args);
    		while ($NewPosts->have_posts()) : $NewPosts->the_post(); ?>
    				$TheRating = $post->rating;
    				$TopRating = 5;
    				$RatingPercent = ($TheRating / $TopRating) * 100;
    				$RoundRating = round($RatingPercent);
    			<li class="AdInTheList">
    				<div class="Stretch">
    				<div class="AdInListImage">
    					<?php the_post_thumbnail('medium'); ?>
    				<div class="AdInListInfo">
    					<div class="TopRow">
    						<div class="ReviewCount"><?php echo get_comments_number($Post->ID); ?> Reviews</div>
    						<div class="ReviewStars">
    							<div class="RatingWrap">
    								<div class="TheRating" style="width:<?php echo $RoundRating; ?>%;"></div>
    					<div class="AdInListTitle"><?php the_title();?></div>
    					<div class="SJbtns">
    							<li class="BlueBtn"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">Watch It</a></li>
    							<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank">Share It</a></li>
    		<?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>
    		<div class="Clear"></div>
    <?php }


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  • Thread Starter MarketMeNot


    Well, with no help… figured it out. It was something small and overlooked. Needed to set the global post.

    global $post;

    Hehe so simple, yet so important. Thanks anyway everyone.

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