• Resolved Bas Middelham


    On 2 seperate sites I got the same error after upgrading:
    Fatal error: Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /***/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Google/Service/Drive.php on line 1220

    I wiped the old settings and started a new Google project with Drive Api enabled, but still no luck. After this message Google shows up as authenticated, but the backup gets stuck uploading to google.

    Any ideas?


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  • Plugin Author David Anderson



    Do you have any other plugins that interact with any Google services?


    I have the same problem…

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    Please can you list your other installed plugins?

    Thread Starter Bas Middelham


    Hi David,

    Sorry for the late response. Both sites use different plugins. They both share iThemes security, Google XML Sitemaps, Google Analyticator and WP Clean Up. If I disable all other plugins the authentication works and the backup is done without errors, but there is still no upload to Google Drive (on both sites).
    F.y.i. both sites had Updraftplus running before, but I upgraded the plugin AND changed the Google drive settings to upload to the ‘Updraftplus’ folder.

    Also… the authentication messages I get from Google vary. Sometimes it wants to have offline access, others times it wants to display and manage files… (Sorry, I have to translate the messages)

    Plugin Author David Anderson



    Please can you post the full backup log of a backup run with all the other plugins de-activated? Use pastebin.com to post the log.


    Thread Starter Bas Middelham


    Plugin Author David Anderson



    That backup is not working because you’ve not activated the Google Drive API in your Google API console, as in step 2. of the setup instructions – https://updraftplus.com/support/configuring-google-drive-api-access-in-updraftplus/ – things worked if you omitted this step before the current UD release, but that step has always been in the instructions.

    However, disabling your other plugins has indeed fixed the fatal error. Please could you do us a favour and use a process of elimination to find which plugin in particular is the one that there is a conflict with? I’m supposing that Google XML Sitemaps and Google Analyticator are the prime suspects!


    Thread Starter Bas Middelham


    My bad… It seems I enabled Drive SDK rather than the Drive API. The backup succeeded on 1 site. I presume the other will work as well.
    I still have problems authenticating with other plugins enabled. I will update on the situation.

    Thread Starter Bas Middelham


    Hi David,

    You are right. With Google Analyticator enable I can’t authenticate. Disabling it makes the backup work properly on both sites.

    Thanks for the help and a great plugin!

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    Thanks… can you confirm the version of Google Analyticator that you have installed?

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    Also… I’ve just made a tiny tweak that might fix the conflict. If you can de-install UpdraftPlus, and re-install (the version number will be the same), and try the problematic scenario again… does that fix it?


    Thread Starter Bas Middelham


    I am using the latest version of Analiticator. Version
    I reinstalled the UpdraftPlus plugin on both sites, but the authentication problem persists.

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    OK. I’ve reproduced this now.

    The fault is in Google Analyticator – on every page load, it loads an old, incompatible copy of the Google SDK (instead of only loading it when needed) – which pollutes the function space for other plugins. The fatal conflict comes because of it being an old version, which conflicts with the new version. There’s no opportunity for another plugin to load its version of the Google SDK.

    I’ve added some code in UpdraftPlus to specifically detect Google Analyticator, and prevent it doing this. If you de-install and then install UpdraftPlus, then it’ll still be 1.9.5 – but should work (it fixed it for me on the site I reproduced it on).

    This is an ugly solution, really – custom work-arounds for brokenness in other plugins are really inefficient ways of solving things…. Hence, I’ve opened a support request in Google Analyticator’s forum – hopefully they’ll fix it soon:


    Best wishes,

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    Hi distopicus – any feedback on whether that fixed it?

    I understand that custom backup folder where possible in the past with the free version of updraft plus. Now it’s not and thats ok but I can’t remove the Google Drive Folder number from the filed. Tried to delete the plugin and install it new, the google drive folder is always automatically filled. How to remove this?

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