I kinda fixed this, at least for the profile, but I still need some help. I checked >plugins>bp-cover>css>bp-cover-profile.css and I found this code:
.image-upload-buttons {
right: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
position: absolute;
display: none;
After playing around with it, I got this to work:
.image-upload-buttons {
right: 4px;
bottom: 4px;
position: relative;
top: -135px;
display: inherit;
However, it only works because I must have the cover upload buttons right on top of the profile pic box so that the profile pic upload button remains in the profile pic box.
Otherwise, if I moved the cover upload buttons to the top left corner of the cover page (like I ideally want), the profile pic upload button jumps to the top as well (a little below the cover upload buttons).
This can easily confuse a user as to what pic they are changing because both the profile pic and cover pic upload buttons are in the cover page. It confused myself honestly. It seems the upload buttons are tied together in the .css file. Is there a way to separate them? Like:
I tried to write these in the .css to no avail. How can I make those function? Is it possible?
And I still can’t figure out the group covers. The group .css didn’t even have an upload button tag and putting the profile code in the group file had no affect, so I don’t know. I also put the profile code in the bp-cover.css file (it had the same upload code as the profile page) and it had no affect on anything either so the bp-profile.css was the only file that made changes.
Do you have any suggestions? Thanks again!