• Resolved Sue


    I recently installed and began configuring Lifter LMS, v 2.1.1 at the time I installed it. I see the current version is 2.2.3 – but my WP Dashboard is not telling me I have updates, and I use Infinite WP to manage multiple sites, and that, too, is not catching the update.

    If I download and install 2.2.3 from the zip file, will that overwrite my current settings? How can I simply update to the latest version, rather than reinstall the plugin? I do NOT want to have to reconfigure and set up the memberships and courses I have set up so far!!


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  • Hey Sue,

    I’m not familiar with Infinite WP and I really don’t know why the update wound’t be displaying there. We don’t do anything fancy or special to server LifterLMS updates as www.remarpro.com takes care of that for us.

    However, we do not delete any of your LifterLMS options or content during plugin deletion so you can safely delete the plugin and re-install manually without fear of losing any of your settings or LMS content.

    Take care,

    Thread Starter Sue


    OK. Just FYI, I’ve gotten notifications of other plugin updates in my dashboard, just not for LifterLMS. Even without Infinite WP – which is simply a management plugin to allow me to update plugins and themes on multiple sites from one dashboard.

    So I can delete, (delete files too, or leave those?) and then reinstall the new version -my pages and customizations will still be there? I’ll give it a shot in the morning and let you know how it works out.

    Hey Sue,

    Do not delete any pages or posts, simply remove the plugin itself (plugins -> delete)

    And then re-install.

    Take care,

    Thread Starter Sue


    The latest (2.2.3) is now installed and running on the site, and as promised, all the customizations made the transition. Now to wait and see if I get notifications in the WP dashboard when updates are available.

    A support conversation suggested it might be a helper plugin, https://lifterlms.com/docs/lifterlms-helper/, but I don’t have that installed. I’ve sent a system report in, and in the meantime I wait to see if this is fixed or not. V. 2.2.3 installed and running, and that’s good!

    Hey Sue,

    If you don’t mind let’s close one or the other of these threads out rather than having two identical threads open. Up to you which one, please close the one of your preference.

    Take care,

    Thread Starter Sue


    I’ll close the support ticket for now, as all is well, but leave this thread open so I can report here if I get notifications…when I do, this one can be closed as well.

    Thread Starter Sue


    I did not get the notification to update to 2.3.0, although I did on another site, where I also have Infinite WP running. I started comparing the plugins on the two sites, and then selectively deactivating those that were unique to the site that wasn’t getting the update notifications.

    As soon as I deactivated the Transposh Translation filter, BINGO – 8 plugins (including Transposh) popped up with updates. Rechecking in InfiniteWP, the same updates showed, and I was able to successfully update through the IWP dashboard.

    Now to go take it up with Transposh – and I may be looking for another translation solution as they don’t appear to be to see why their plugin prevented me from receiving several updates…

    Glad you were able to resolve

    Please let us know if you require any additional assistance and have a great day!

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