Just donwloaded on 08/02/09 and I really dig this theme!
Out of the box this theme worked very well when using firefox on eith a Mac or a PC and showed thumbnails w/o using the plugin above. The theme was a bit buggy using IE8 and Safari 4…
Long story short, in order to properly use the “Thumbnails for Excerpts” plugin, you will need to edit the functions and remove or comment out this line “print “$thumb<img src=’$thumb’ class=’thumbnail’ />”;”, when NOT using the plugin… it shows a tiny broken image to right of thumbnail. (FYI – most of my posts have images inserted in the posts)
If you attempt to use Thumbnails for Excerpts plugin w/o making this adjustments your home page will not look correct and show duplicate thumbnail images.
After removing or commenting out the above line, activate the plugin and it should work…
Again, love this theme, it takes a little work to get to render correctly on most browsers…
Good luck!