• I have upgraded to 2.0 and when I upload a file with wordpress, when I click on the photo in the image browser n the post editor window, I get “No Thumbnail” crossed out. How can I diagnose this? Has anyone else had this problem or am I missing something?

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  • hey, i have a similar problem… but not entirely:

    i get the same “no thumbnails”, but the thumbnail.jpg files are all in place like they should be.

    I think it has sth to do with the server setup which has changed, i’m hosted by mediatemple and they recently moved all shared servers to grid servers. but i’m a total newbie on server stuff and databases, so i don’t even know where to start looking.

    my newly uploaded images are fine, they all have a thumbnail, it’s just that all my previous images (uploaded before the hosting upgrade) have lost their link to the thumbnails (even though the thumbnail files are still there. before the transfer all thumbnails worked fine.

    where should i start looking? is it a DB issue? is there some sort of “re-link thumbnails” command in WP?

    thanks for any help,


    Thanks Scytle.

    Your link https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/250256 solved my problem.

    After I increase the memeory limit in php.ini, I can create thumbs for all of my images.

    I have met the issue before. I traced it then found I do not install GD2 for PHP. So, installed it by

    apt-get install php5-gd

    Have another issue is photo been large then 3M pixels, can not build a thumbnail too. because inline-upload.php limit it. I do not know how limited by this value. but I thought too large data transmission is a besetment to someone. I suggest remove it too.

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