The plugin wasn’t designed to do that and this probably isn’t something I would add to the plugin as an option unless someone commissioned the work.
There is a quick & dirty way to achieve this by editing the plugin, which isn’t recommended, but I’ll outline it here anyway.
If you want to try the change, edit the js/tabby.js file in the plugin and comment out lines 32-34 (this applies to version 1.2.0 – in future versions this may have a different line number)
The lines are:
if(!$activePanel.length) {
$activePanel = $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__panel').first().addClass('responsive-tabs__panel--active');
Comment out these lines – so they look like:
// if(!$activePanel.length) {
// $activePanel = $tabs.find('.responsive-tabs__panel').first().addClass('responsive-tabs__panel--active');
// }
You would probably also need some additional CSS rules to get this looking good.
Bear in mind that once you have modified a plugin, you will lose the modifications on updating, so it would be preferable to create an add-on instead.