• Hello.

    I’ve gone back several pages and can’t find the same issue, also did a bunch of searching. Some sound maybe similar and found some code changes to checkout.class.php but that hasn’t helped me. (https://github.com/wp-e-commerce/WP-e-Commerce/issues/667)

    WP v3.8
    wpsc v3.8.13.1
    site: cowboyikeswinejelly . com

    Table shipping rates
    No taxes
    User can checkout without a user account

    At Checkout, the Billing Address has all proper input fields, including a pulldown menu listing all US States. However under the Shipping Address, the State field is just text, no choices.

    I have seen this on another site too.

    Any help out there?


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  • Thread Starter tincanranch



    Tracked this down by building a fresh install of WP3.8 and WPSC3.8.13.1 with no other plugins and just 2014 theme…

    For the 2 sites we’ve been seeing the “issue” on, one uses only FlatRate shipping and the other uses only a Table Rate shipping method — both only sell/ship within the US.

    So when originally built, the wpsc theme file wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php was customized to take out the “Calculate Shipping” area; the thought is no need to specify Country/State since flat or table rate. But what I am seeing is, the Ship To Address form does not give the customer a choice to specify State, it takes the value from the Calculate Shipping above.

    Ah, the joys of open source… ??

    Not sure yet how we are going to cleanly work around this, but at least we now know what to look at.

    Any suggestions are welcome.
    Thanks for listening.

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