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  • brandon.w


    I have the same problem. Here is the error in the JS console:

    TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null

    We don’t have any issue with this version and we are much happy with this new version.
    So first try to Recalculate SEO scores and also try to change PHP version to newer.



    yea new update really fucked up things..
    my error is
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined load-scripts.php:65



    Is anyone going to provide a solution in here?
    The Yoast SEO support is appalling, even for premium.

    Our issue is the same, but for PAGES the snippet editor is there, it is only RED LIGHT for POSTS, so clearly there is an issue there.

    How about someone from Yoast provides a fix for this?



    Same problem here!!



    This issue is persistent on both pages & posts for me



    I have exactly the same problem on one of my sites. Other sites are running without this issue

    SOLVED – I deactivated the plugin Colorbox Panels, and that solved my problem.



    I don’t have that plugin installed on my version, and if I disable Yoast it disappears so it seems definitely related



    I don’t believe this is a plugin compatibility issue. I can see the description meta box, and I can add to it, but adding to it doesn’t automatically affect the “length indicator” just below the box. And updating the page/post after adding a meta description doesn’t save the new description. For the life of me, I can’t get it to stick. I’ve had to temporarily make a note that I cannot edit or add new meta descriptions until this is resolved. I can only hope (since there has been no official word) that the team is hard at work providing a fix.



    I had the same problem, nothing in the edit snippet, no title, no description when it did work before.
    I found that one of my plugins was causing this to happen.
    I went through all the plugins, one by one deactivating one at a time, then looking at one of my pages, eventually it all came back to life again after I deactivated a plugin to do with maps.
    I have contacted the plugin owner and I am awaiting a solution.



    I am also having issues with the meta description not updating.
    Before this upgrade I also had issues with YOAST saying the alt tag descriptions were missing, which took weeks to fix.

    The last few YOAST updates have been terrible, and although I hate to say it, I need to consider an alternative that has less features but works, rather than one which has lots of features, but the basics do not work.

    Do the Yoast team keep an eye on the support thread?



    I have this issue on posts, not pages. If I disable Easy Media Gallery it resolves the issue. The console error shows me it’s failing in[]=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,heartbeat,autosave,wp-ajax-response,jquery-color,wp-lists,quicktags,jquery-query,admin-comments,sug&load[]=gest,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,tags-box,underscore,word-count,wp-a11y,post,editor-expand,thick&load[]=box,shortcode,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,media-editor,media-&load[]=audiovideo,mce-view,imgareaselect,image-edit,svg-painter,wp-auth-check,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-slider,jquery-touch-punch,i&load[]=ris,wp-color-picker,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-dialog,wpdialogs,jquery-ui-tabs,jquery-ui-&load[]=accordion,jquery-ui-menu,jquery-ui-autocomplete,editor,wplink,media-upload&ver=4.4.2

    I’ve tried changing the lightbox settings via lightbox and highside.js and has no effect. Disabling Easy Media Gallery solves the issue for me, but that’s not an easy fix to implement site wide.

    Manuel Fritsch


    Same here. All meta desc missing. And I cannot find them in the database, either. There, some entries are missing in the postmeta table, judging by the numbers assigned (and sometimes missing…). *sigh*

    Manuel Fritsch


    In my postmeta table, there are only two entries with the meta_key
    and I had written both after update to Yoast 3.1.

    So it seems, everyone with a backup – go get it. And everyone else: Have a great time starting all over. Big chance to improve your SEO writing skills.



    Had the same problem
    Disabled Easing Slider plugin > problem fixed.
    (If we don’t want our slider plugin that is)
    YOAST premium support non existent

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