• Desde hace unos días no se pueden cargar las plantillas predefinidas que por defecto trae elementor.

    cuando se visualizan, al cargar sale el siguiente mensaje: Se ha producido un error, Se ha producido el siguiente error al procesar la solicitud: [object Object] ok

    Lo he probado con varios dominios diferentesm con plugins instalados y sin ellos y no se pueden cargar las plantillas, ?qué puede ser?


    Juan Carlos Madrid.

    Since a few days ago you can not load the predefined templates that elemental default brings.

    When they are displayed, the following message is displayed when loading: An error occurred, the following error occurred while processing the request: [object Object] ok

    I’ve tested it with several different domains with plugins installed and without them and you can not load the templates, what can it be?

    Best regards.

    Juan Carlos Madrid.

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  • The only time I’ve encountered that situation is when you activate the Pro version new templates are pulled in. These are the Premium version templates.

    However, should you deactivate the Pro version and although the “new templates” still show up, if you try to insert them then that error occurs. My gues is that this it prevent users using the premium templates without the Pro version of the plugin.

    I could be wrong but if that is the case then I understand the reasoning behind it ??

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