• I have tried about 7 different no right click plugins and none of them work. It must be a problem my end as nothing seems to work. ~Could someone help me to enable any no right click plugin or is there any code I could use to enable this function? I use twenty thirteen child theme. plinthart.com

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  • Thread Starter Jane Milburn


    I have tried searching for the answer here and online but to no avail.

    Why? All no right click does is upset anyone trying to help you the day your site breaks. You images, data, etc. is easy to get by just looking at the source code.

    Thread Starter Jane Milburn


    I appreciate what you are saying, however I think majority of the general public would not know how to look at the source code(just my opinion). I understand that there are many ways that work can be stolen but I am trying to set up a site for my brother who wants this function. If I have problems then I would turn the plugin off before I ask for help. Can you help me?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    You can try one of these (horrible idea! Ahem, excuse me) plugins.


    But generally it only annoys legitimate users and does nothing for scrapers or people who actually do want to either copy the link to an image or the image itself.

    Thread Starter Jane Milburn


    Many thanks for your advice.

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