Hi. Thanks so much for getting back to me. I really appreciate your assistance.
My site is https://masoneducation.com/wordpress
It’s not active to the public yet or anything. Just a new design I’m working on. It is a theme that is a front page that will show posts with a sidebar. So, not a static front page.
I have the search set up as a widget on the sidebar that only shows if a user is logged in. So, I have created a user account “seacoast” with the same as the password, so that you can log-in and check it out.
The search returns entries in the same way that posts are listed. If you want to see what it looks like when results are found, just search for the term “quickread.”
I have configured it to say “There are 0 results for your search. Enter a different word or phrase and search again.” So, when you search for almost any term using the search box, that’s what you’ll see, as there isn’t actually any real content linked yet. I just have a bunch of dummy posts configured so as to work on the design, and they all have very little text. In addition, there is a “No Results Found” in white text above that that is obfuscated by the fact that the background is the same color.
What I’d really like to be able to do is just redirect this to a WordPress page I create, that is stylized like my other pages, so that I could provide a list of tips for searching that is specific to the type of content I’m offering, rather than just the page now that explains there are no results.
Here’s the pastebin code:
I do so a lot of plugins for 401 redirects and what not, but that doesn’t help me.
I have tried inserting a simple php redirect script on the no-results.php. But, that didn’t work.
Any suggestions you have would be sincerely appreciated.