• Plugin V. 1.2
    Comments, users, tags and general stats okay. But the page with the posts stats is only white boxes.
    I use the theme Sela Version: 1.0.14
    is something missing in the page style css?

    The sourcecode shows data:

    // year wise post chart
                                        var yearwisedata = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
                            ["Year", "Number of posts", {role: "style"}],
                                                        ["2015", 1, "0000ff"],
                                                        ["2014", 1, "#00ff00"],
                                                        ["2013", 6, "0000ff"],
                                                        ["2012", 3, "#00ff00"],
                                                        ["2011", 12, "0000ff"],
                        var yearwiseview = new google.visualization.DataView(yearwisedata);
                        yearwiseview.setColumns([0, 1,2]);
                        var yearwiseoptions = {
                            title: "Posts by year (Total: 23)",
                            bar: {groupWidth: "70%"},
                            legend: {position: "none"},
                        var yearwiseChart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById("byYearChart"));
                        yearwiseChart.draw(yearwiseview, yearwiseoptions);


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  • Plugin Author Ashish Ajani


    Page stats and all other stats are working well with Sela. Source code shared is also having no problem at all. I think there should be some conflicts in CSS with your theme.

    Not able to reproduce the problem.

    Thank you for using plugin

    Thread Starter gandalfhh



    I had a post, in which the title has “” signs.
    After deleting the “” all is shown.
    You have to mention this.

    // shortest posts
                                        var shortestdata = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
                            ["Post", "Length (No. of words)", {role: "style"}],
                                                        ["Helmut sagt "hallo"", 35, "0000ff"],
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