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  • Posts have stopped on my site, as well. It seems they stopped shortly after I switched all the videos from click to play to auto-play, though I doubt that’s related to the issue.

    Plugin Author grabmedia


    May I ask what your domain is, or what your API key is? If you’ve registered for a Grab Media publisher account, you can also send us your email address, assuming you only have one domain.

    We need a unique identifier for your WordPress instance so we can look into this for you. Also, feel free to send us an email to [email protected], if you don’t want to post this information on the support thread. If you choose to email us, please reference this thread on the message, so we can keep track of the status here.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author grabmedia



    I’m seeing a lot of errors for your feeds that read ‘Incorrect username or password’. One potential way this can happen is if you alter the settings for the ‘grabpress’ user in your WordPress admin users. The ‘grabpress’ user needs to have Administrator permissions, and the password for the ‘grabpress’ user needs to be the same as your API key.

    When we release the next version of GrabPress (2.4.1), we will be changing the way we authenticate users for sending Autoposter posts remotely to your site – with the API. However, for now, we should check the settings for the grabpress user and rule that out first.

    Can you tell us what version of GrabPress you’re using?

    Please check the ‘Administrator’ permissions and API key password for the grabpress user and let us know if that resolves your issue.

    Thank you. I’m using Version 2.3.7 of GrabPress. I had a feeling that was the problem. I was seeing all these user names under posting ID’s and I was wondering “Who are theses users with posting privileges?” I didn’t realize one or however many might be associated with GrabPress. So I change all of their posting privileges. My apologies.

    I am going to attempt to restore them correctly now, although, I may need some guidance if my first attempt fails. I have a feeling I won’t get it completely right the first try since I’m not sure how many or exactly which user(s) are with GrabPress.

    I restore them as an “Author”, right?

    Plugin Author grabmedia


    No need to apologize – after working on our upcoming version 2.4.1, we’ve improved the user experience such that when the user installs GrabPress, it’s more clear to the user what the Autoposter authentication requirements are.

    The ‘grabpress’ user has to have Editor or Administrator privileges, and the password has to be your API key.

    Let us know if that works for you, so we can resolve this support ticket. Thanks!

    Sounds great! Only thing is how do I know which users emails are grabpress reps? Thanks.

    Plugin Author grabmedia


    I’m not sure I understand your last question. The ‘grabpress’ user that the plugin installs uses a fake email address of: <API key>, but it’s not used for anything. Is that what you’re asking about?

    Oh okay, I really don’t have any idea how the grabpress plugin works. I guess I’m not sure where to look in my wordpress admin to reset the grabpress plugin so it works again. Under “users” I don’t see any user identifiable as a grabpress user with an api key. I might have messed things up. Maybe even deleted the grabpress user and don’t remember it.

    But I don’t ever remember seeing an api key under my users section so maybe I didn’t delete it. I just don’t see it there now, though.

    Plugin Author grabmedia


    Go to your WordPress Admin > Users page. if you don’t see the ‘grabpress’ user, then you must have deleted or renamed it since you installed the plugin.

    If you’re not worried about having to set up your feeds again, it might be easier to just uninstall, and reinstall GrabPress and start from scratch. If it will take you more times to set up your Autoposter feeds again, you can just add the ‘grabpress’ user back in to your WordPress users list.

    If the ‘grabpress’ user does not exist, you can just add the user back in to your WordPress users list. Make sure the user has Administrator or Editor privileges, and make sure the password is your API key (which you can copy from your GrabPress Autoposter page). The email address can just be fake, such as [email protected]. This WordPress account is what allows the GrabPress Autoposter backend to send new posts (based on your feeds’ requirements) to your posts (or drafts folder).

    Let us know if you still have questions. Thanks.

    That worked! Wonderful! Thank you for all your help!

    Plugin Author grabmedia


    Glad to hear that worked for you, I will mark this topic resolved.

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