• jeromeramone


    I have successfully installed this plug-in in a few websites. This time, I can’t get it to load any posts.

    I have installed the plug-in, including the Repeater add-on. I have created a few posts. I am using the default shortcode “[ajax_load_more]” on the page.

    The “<div id=”ajax-load-more>” tag is being added to the page, as well as an empty

      tag… but no posts are loading. I’m not getting any jquery errors.

    You can look at this url to see it not work:

    Thanks in advance for any assistance!


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  • tobiasmalikowski


    Hi Darren,

    I think I know whats wrong here.

    ajax-load-more.php, line 246
    You register the ALM script with a jQuery 1.1 dependency.

    wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( '/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery'),  '1.1', true );

    However there are developers like me who use Foundation or any other piece of software which need a different jQuery version than 1.1. So people like me deregister the default jQuery version which gets registered by WordPress as default and register our own version.

    This setup prevents your script from getting registered.

    If I change your code in ajax-load-more.php, line 246 to:

    wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( '/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js', __FILE__ ), '',  '', true );

    The JavaScript gets loaded and everything works.

    But changing Plugin files is not the way to go, cause I’ll loose this changes at the next update. Also deregistering your script and register it by myself is not working, cause alm_localize get’s not set as you do it in ajax-load-more.php line 264.

    Of course I could just copy your whole alm_enqueue_scripts function and register the script with the function, but also thats not clean.

    Suggested Solution:

    I suggest to provide an option for devs in the plugin settings to choose if the JavaScript should be loaded depending on jQuery or not. Should be not more work than 30 minutes or so.

    Actual i fixed this by changing your plugin file, so I can use your plugin but that’s only an hotfix and not the way to go.



    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi Tobias,
    Thanks for the hard work locating this issue.

    However there are developers like me who use Foundation or any other piece of software which need a different jQuery version than 1.1. So people like me deregister the default jQuery version which gets registered by WordPress as default and register our own version.

    It’s not actually requiring jquery v1.1, it’s appending 1.1 to the ajax-load-more.js url.
    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://connekthq.com/wp-content/plugins/ajax-load-more/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js?ver=1.1'></script>

    Some people use this a cache busting mehtod, I just haven’t been updating this as I release fix/updates.

    I suggest to provide an option for devs in the plugin settings to choose if the JavaScript should be loaded depending on jQuery or not. Should be not more work than 30 minutes or so.

    While that is likely true I need to take time and consider how this change may affect the other users before I go ahead and call this a hotfix. Because jQuery is required for ALM, not sure how removing this might change ordering etc.



    Hi Darren,

    thanks for clearing things up. Nice to know that the version is appended to your script so it has nothing to do with this issue.

    Possible Solution #1:
    Maybe you can fix this by changing the order script registration. The issue comes down to the fact that your script gets registered at that some point where jQuery does not exist due to my deregistration.

    Possible Solution #2:
    You can make the already mentioned solution backwards compatible if you just give devs the option to change the dependency but set your current settings as default settings.

    Since your script depends on jQuery i think solution #1 would be the cleanest way, and maybe its easier as well. Maybe I can do some testing for you if I find the time. If thats the case I keep you updated in this thread.

    hi, I’m pretty new in wordpress, I made my own Theme, as I need load more post I install the plugin, I realized this steps, Install the plugin, copy the repeater templete in my index.php, and after copy this after de repeater [ajax_load_more posts_per_page=”3″ scroll=”false” pause=”true” transition=”fade” images_loaded=”true” button_label=”Load Posts”] and nothing happens, i’m doing well, what is my mistake? I have something like that in my index.php

    <div class="row">
                <div id="ajax-load-more">
                   <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
                    <div <?php if (! has_post_thumbnail() ) { echo ' class="no-img"'; } ?>>
                       <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail(array(150,150));
                       <h3><a>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
                       <p class="entry-meta">
                           <?php the_time("F d, Y"); ?>
                       <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
                   <?php endwhile;  ?>
            <div class="contain-div-bottom animation col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
                <div class="navigation">
                     [ajax_load_more posts_per_page="3" scroll="false" pause="true" transition="fade"  images_loaded="true" button_label="Load Posts"]

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Do you have wp_footer() in your footer.php file? Sounds like the js is not loading.

    yes I have it

    I need some documentation about how to install step by step, because the available explanation is not enough for me, thanks

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi yiselwordpress,

    1. Create your repeater template.
    2. Create Shortcode.
    3. Add Shortcode to your page.

    The only other documentation is on the website or in your WP Admin under Ajax Load More > Help.


    hi thanks for your answer, but yet I can’t resolve the problem. I can’t see the button Load More in my page.
    When I inspect the html code, the div with the id=”ajax-load-more” is present but button is not there. any idea? Thanks again

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Likely the JS is not loading. Check that you have wp_footer() in your footer.php

    Just wanted to update my Hotfix for using WpJoints (Foundation) and your Plugin.

    ajax-load-more.php Line 246 replace:
    wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( '/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), ALM_VERSION, true );

    wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( '/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js', __FILE__ ), '', ALM_VERSION, true );

    The description why this is needed can be found in my comments above.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    I think I’ll add a setting to a future release.
    A checkbox or something like,

    [x] Use jQuery as a dependency


    Hi, have the same trouble. wp_footer() is in footer.php, script is present in source page, but there is empty div in shortcode page.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Please start your own thread this issue and please share a URL if possible.

    @dcooney, here

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