• Resolved brunovaz



    I’m having trouble getting Instant Articles working.

    When a post is created with content and images… or even if it’s empty, the code generated for Instant Articles allways show the post url with the more tag.

    Source Markup
    <p> <a href="https://portal.i9magazine.pt/porto-quer-capital-da-tecnologia/" class="more-link">(mais&hellip;)</a></p>

    Transformed Markup

        <link rel="canonical" href="https://portal.i9magazine.pt/porto-quer-capital-da-tecnologia/"/>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <meta property="op:generator" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/>
        <meta property="op:generator:version" content="1.1.0"/>
        <meta property="op:generator:application" content="facebook-instant-articles-wp"/>
        <meta property="op:generator:application:version" content="2.11"/>
        <meta property="op:generator:transformer" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/>
        <meta property="op:generator:transformer:version" content="1.1.0"/>
        <meta property="op:markup_version" content="v1.0"/>
        <meta property="fb:article_style" content="default"/>
              <img src="https://portal.i9magazine.pt/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Porto.jpg"/>
            <h1>Porto quer ser capital da tecnologia</h1>
            <time class="op-published" datetime="2016-06-22T10:10:31+01:00">June 22nd, 10:10am</time>
            <time class="op-modified" datetime="2016-06-22T11:04:54+01:00">June 22nd, 11:04am</time>
            <address><a>Ana Mendes</a></address>
          <p> <a href="https://portal.i9magazine.pt/porto-quer-capital-da-tecnologia/">(mais…)</a></p>

    Instant Articles Feed

    Thanks in advance


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  • Thread Starter brunovaz


    Hi again,

    Just found the “guilty” plugin that was causing the problem. It was WP-Members… even the non-blocked posts didn′t generate any code for the Facebook IA Plugin to transform.

    I’ve updated all the posts, and checked a bunch of them and all are looking good, so i’ve requested another review to Facebook, hoping that this time all goes well.


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