Inside the plugin folder you will see equivalent-mobile-redirect.php go on line 63 you will begin to see-
$page_array[] = trim(wpw_get_option('wpw_emr_t1'));
$page_array[] = trim(wpw_get_option('wpw_emr_t2'));
$page_array[] = trim(wpw_get_option('wpw_emr_t3'));
$page_array[] = trim(wpw_get_option('wpw_emr_t4'));
$page_array[] = trim(wpw_get_option('wpw_emr_t5'));
$page_array[] = trim(wpw_get_option('wpw_emr_t6'));
Just add more and change ‘wpw_emr_t6’ to the right number till you get to the amount you want…
Then in admin/theme-options.php starting on line 69 you will begin to see pairs of title and url-
$options[] = array("name" => __("Page Title #1 - e.g. About ",'wpw'),
"desc" => __("",'wpw'),
"id" => "wpw_emr_t1",
"desc" => "",
"type" => "text");
$options[] = array("name" => __("Mobile Site URL #1 - ",'wpw'),
"desc" => __("",'wpw'),
"id" => "wpw_emr_murl1",
"desc" => "",
"type" => "text");
Just add extra pairs after the last pair and change the “id”‘s to the right number. They will be numbered like “wpw_emr_t1” & “wpw_emr_murl1” so you will be able to tell when the last pair is. If you need help once you need more though just let me know and I can help.