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  • Thank you very much eggproject, it works well ??

    hello guys, I follow you from Italy, please excuse my bad english.
    I installed your plugin and also I have the same problem.
    It does not appear the Field Type “Gallery”.
    I use version 3.6 of WordPress.
    What should I do?
    I need to change the file “nggallery-field.php”?
    But I do not know the php code … is there anyone who can help me?

    This works great! Thank you eggproject!

    Thank you eggproject, you’re a star!

    Just in case anyone stumbles in here looking for the answer, I’ve put the two files up here for downloading:

    I’ve just build a script like this from scratch. Today I released this script as a WP Plugin. So anyone who’s having issues with this plugin might want to check out my new script:

    One note, this script only works in ACF version 4 (yet)!

    Nice work, but does that mean version 4 and above, (i.e. not backwards compatible), or does that mean it will work with 4+ (i.e. the latest vresion – 4.2.2)?

    Hi Zactoff,
    It works with version 4.0.0 + ??

    ACF has a different add-on structure for version 3 of the plugin. That’s the reason that right now I only support version 4.0.0+

    Good question though!

    Am I supposed to be doing something else once the Nextgen Gallery is chosen in the ACF of the post? All I get is “Array” as the output…

    Hi Tranman79,

    It depends on what you want to achieve. I guess you’ve chosen for the default setting ‘NGGAllery Object (in array)’. This will give you the NGGallery object which contains everything NGGallery uses to build the gallery, to give the developer the opportunity to do with it whatever he wants.

    Next to that you can choose for ‘All of the images (in array)’, which provides the devloper with an array with only all of the images inside. With this he can loop through the array and build their own kind of slideshow.

    The final option is ‘NGGallery id’, which is what you’re looking for I think. With this ID you can use the default Nextgen funtionality and create the default Nextgen Gallery.

    You can do this in your template with these lines of code:

    $galleryID = get_field('nextgen_gallery_field');
    $gallery = apply_filters('the_content', '[gallery=' . $galleryID . ']' );
    echo $gallery;

    This should output the default Nextgen gallery markup based on your selected gallery in the WordPress backend.

    I hope this answers your question!

    JeroenReumkens, Thank you for the explanation, that helps me a lot!

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