• Hello,

    with the new Plugin directory there’s no more div id called “#update”. There’s now one called “#developers”. It’s not directly targeted to the Changelog but at least it’s openeing the right tab.


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  • Open /wp-content/plugins/wp-updates-notifier/wp-updates-notifier.php and change line:
    $message .= "\t" . sprintf( __( "Changelog: %s%s", "wp-updates-notifier" ), $data->url, "changelog/" ) . "\n";
    $message .= "\t" . sprintf( __( "Changelog: %s%s", "wp-updates-notifier" ), $data->url, "#developers" ) . "\n";

    Thread Starter latz


    Thank you for you answer, seems to work.

    Nevertheless, Dear Developers, would be nice if you could implement it into the plugin.

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