• I upgrade to Ella on more than 20 sites. Each site has a different them.

    On EVERY SINGLE site with more than one page, there is no “next page” at the bottom of the main page.

    This is not a theme issue obviously as I never touched a single file in the content directory.

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  • Thread Starter frenchvanillacoffee


    First I need to find a copy of 2.0.7 since I never did get one.

    I’m in phpMyadmin … and not comfortable enough to do this myself.

    I’m going to try to hire a programmer I guess.

    I have 2.0.7 both zip and tarball. Mail me at vkaryl_at_wildblue*dot*net (yeah, that’s not the normal one…. don’t ask….) tonight and I’ll send it out asap.

    I also have 2.0.6 I can send as well.

    Thread Starter frenchvanillacoffee


    Thanks. Now I just have to find a programmer to restore all my dbs for me.

    I have no patience to attempt to learn this with so many broken sites.

    Wonderful upgrade there. Whomever released it without telling people it would break their existing sites should be shot.

    Er. Yah…. have to agree with that one! I’m checking email right now….

    I have it, too. (click my name > Contact)

    And gotcha. Sending right now. I don’t have a zip for 2.0.6; if tarball doesn’t work for you with whatever you use for uncompressing, go here: https://www.7-zip.org/ , download 7zip. It opens EVERYTHING…. and it’s free….

    And I swear, I’m setting up a site for wp old distro downloads, as soon as my host and I get the latest contretemps settled (a DDOS against someone else on the same shared-server space *sigh* – you do NOT want to know what I wish on them…. eye for an eye? Doesn’t even BEGIN to get close….) – there’s no excuse for not making it easy for people to find what they need.


    Just came into the tester-list:

    Thread Starter frenchvanillacoffee


    Thanks, vkaryl and moshu, you have email.

    I do have the zip for 2.0.6 which was the last upgrade I did.

    *snicker* Heh. Whatever, I’m still setting up a distro archive. Who knows how long that will last? Hrmph….

    To get Next Page, I needed to deactivate the Adhesive plugin. Resolved over here.

    Thread Starter frenchvanillacoffee


    Well, I just woke up and am barely awake, but on ONE site I deactivated the Adhesive plugin and I’ll be damned.

    If this works on all of them I’ll send you the biggest box of chocolate you’ve ever seen!

    I’m not sure why you want to do wordpress downgrade when you could have simply added a tag to page.php with this code:
    <?php link_pages(‘<p>’, ‘</p>’, ‘number’, ”, ”, ‘page %’); ?>

    It worked fine for me in WordPress 2.1!

    barnettgs i tried that and didn′t work for me…,

    did you REPLACE this code_?_:

    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <div class=”navigation”>
    <div class=”alignleft”><?php next_posts_link(‘« Anteriores’) ?></div>
    <div class=”alignright”><?php previous_posts_link(‘Siguientes »’) ?></div>

    <?php else : ?>

    No, it doesn’t work. I think it’s for paged posts. I’m using this: <?php posts_nav_link() ?>. But I’d still like to have something list all the pages, not just next and previous.

    Ok, it is for paged posts. Here’s the code:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    <h3 class="storytitle">" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
    <div class="meta"><?php _e("Filed under:"); ?> <?php the_category(',') ?> — <?php the_date('','',''); ?></div>

    <div class="storycontent">
    <?php the_content(__('(more...)')); ?>

    <?php link_pages('', '
    ', 'number', '', '', 'page %'); ?>
    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    Just paste the code:

    <?php link_pages('', '
    ', 'number', '', '', 'page %'); ?>


    <?php endwhile; else: ?>

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