• Resolved valerie.vdv


    Hello Argonius,

    I discovered your great plugin today : it is exactly what I needed.
    I tested it on my validation site and it worked perfectly to customize e few sites’admin.
    When I install and activated it on my production website, I lost the login page.
    Here are the errors I get on the console

    Uncaught Referrence Error : JQuery is not defined (ag_script.js:382)
    Uncaught Referrence Error : JQuery is not defined (wp-login.php:42)

    The difference between my two configurations lies in a few plugins (All in one seo pack, WordPress MU Domain Mapping..)

    I would appreciate help to fix that problem since I am eager to install your plugin,

    Best Regard



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  • Hi Valerie,

    Can you please check if jQuery script is included in head tag of the login page? Is there any other error in JavaScript console?

    This problem can happen if any of your plugins or themes is including jQuery script in a wrong way (like hard-coded).

    Please try to disable other plugins or themes one by one, to see which of them is causing the problem.


    Thread Starter valerie.vdv


    Hi Argonius,

    thanks for your fast reply. There was no more erros in the console and the jQuery script of my production site (the one with the problem) was nearly empty compared to the source code of the validation site (the one working correctly).

    Playing with disabling plugins and theme I corrected the problem by enabling the Q&A pluging (amazing, no ?).

    So I succeeded in solving the trouble (not exactly the way expected) and I hope it will get stable. If you have any advice, I am interested in. Futhermore, I am very happy with the new customized admin.


    Hi Valerie,

    I’m glad that you found a solution. The Q&A plugin probably fixed the jQuery problem which is possibly caused by different plugin/theme. Many plugins do not include jQuery using WordPress function


    which is recommended, or maybe excluding this script and including some other external script which could cause many problems in WP.

    You probably still have enabled plugin/theme which has hard-coded jQuery script (you can be sure if you disable Q&A and problem re-appears). In that case you need to locate which one is causing the problem by disabling plugins one by one and checking the browser’s console. When jQuery issue disappears from console, lastly disabled plugin is the one which makes the trouble. The best you can do is to manually fix the problem in that plugin, or contact the author of the plugin and tell him to fix that.

    But, in your case, it could be also possible that your WP’s default jQuery script is somehow corrupted. That can be fixed only if you manually replace that script with fresh one directly in WP directory.

    Anyway, your solution is good, just keep in mind that Q&A plugin fixed that.


    Thread Starter valerie.vdv


    I think that I must experience the second scenario (default jQuery somehow corrupted) since I have disabled ono by one all the themes and plugins.

    Unfortunely, my skills doesn’t enable me to correct that script so I will go on, beeing very carefull not disabling or suppress the Q&A plugin.

    Thanks again for your support


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