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  • Yes, I have Skype, but am a bit deaf as well as not very skilled using it. I will need to wait until my husband is up and has the time to be by my side. He hears, I am the computer guru. Hopefully we can be in touch a bit later this morning. Is it morning or evening where you are?

    anytime after 2:00pm ET time

    Mr. Govpatel,

    Need to improve my Skype skills. Will do so tonight by talking to my son and then call you tomorrow before 2ET. Once again you are one in a hundred million. Thank You. Kat

    Mr. Govpatel,

    Okay, my Skype didn’t work, not sure why. Will try again Sunday morning if that is okay with you. Any easy advice right now? Thank you again.


    Only way to reset your admin log in info is through database may this can help you if you have access to database

    I really think the best thing is to start all over again. But don’t know how to do that without access to my dashboard. I don’t mind letting go of current information ans there is very little. I do however want to keep the same domain name and hopefully not have to pay any money. Again, you are a wonder man. I see how many others you help.


    To reinstall you will need access to your host account do you have access? who is your host?

    Network solutions. I will contact them and hopefully not have to bother you so much. Will let you know what happens.

    As several others seem to have this problem, a tip sheet might be useful at some point.

    May all the good you do return to you a hundred fold.

    keep me posted on out come

    Thread Starter AdrialHY


    Hi again Mr.Govpatel,

    Sorry again for my very late reply. I have been away busy working. How ever, the problem I faced is solved thanks to your advice. A very good friend of mine have helped me starting from the advice that you gave. I haven’t got the time to learn from him, but will do, as soon as I can.
    You have been very helpful.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter AdrialHY


    Forgotten to mark this topic as resolved.
    Anyway, thanks again.

    Thread Starter AdrialHY



    I have my dash board back. Not sure how, but my host server after several weeks of trying to prove who I was finally reset things. I think they may just have gotten tired of my phonecalls, but some of the were really great. Bluehost or is it Blue note. Any way than you Mr GovPate you too are on my great list and yes the issue is Resolved for me.

    I have the same problem as AdrialHY with my site.

    After I login through, insert username & password, I will straight away go to “profile”. There are only 2 buttons on the left side of my dashboard 1. Dashboard 2. Profile. If I click on the “dashboard” button, I will only see WordPress Blog & Other WordPress News. When I click on the “Screen option” button, there’s only 2 options under the show on screen: wordpress blog & other wordpress news.

    I have checked my phpMyAdmin as suggested by govpatel.

    You need to go in phpmyadmin and click on your database
    look for wp_users and click on browse 1st icon
    you will see list of user if you have more then one
    check if your ID is one
    if is one then click on wp_usermeta
    and check if you have this in table 14 wp_capabilities


    I have two user logins because I have two sites. The site I am trying to resolve is user ID 2.

    When I click on wp_usermeta and look at row 14 it reads as above, i.e.

    But, as I said, the ID is 2 for the user_login on this site.

    Please help.

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