• Saludos a todos,

    Tengo instalada esta versión 4.7.1, al principio no me aparecía los números de descargas, agregué un código PHP que sugirieron acá y ya lo visualizo, pero cuando hago la descarga y otras personas también, no están contando.

    Por favor necesito su ayuda urgente.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @jerryman8,

    Thanks for reaching out!
    I just went to your page above and downloaded: Revista Noviembre 2021 and it increased the count to 431 descargas from 430.
    Can you please try again? From an incognito window? Does it work on your end as well?


    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Sí, pero tuve que regresar a la versión 4.5.92.

    Pruebe en este link y verá lo que le menciono

    Me descarga el documento, pero no me cuenta la descarga. Tiene instalado la versión 4.7.2

    ?Cómo se podría solucionar ese problema?

    Hello @jerryman8 ,

    Could you please look into your error log and let us know if there are any errors there? Or you could give it to us here so we can take a look.

    Also, could you take a look in your database and let us know if the tables download_log, dlm_reports_log & dlm_downloads ?


    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Esto aparece en el archivo error_log

    [28-Oct-2022 06:28:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key “query” in /home/jcastillo/public_html/zahe/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/Logs/LogItem.php on line 117
    [28-Oct-2022 06:28:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/jcastillo/public_html/zahe/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/DownloadHandler.php:817) in /home/jcastillo/public_html/zahe/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/CookieManager.php on line 65
    [28-Oct-2022 06:29:11 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key “query” in /home/jcastillo/public_html/zahe/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/Logs/LogItem.php on line 117
    [28-Oct-2022 06:29:11 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/jcastillo/public_html/zahe/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/DownloadHandler.php:817) in /home/jcastillo/public_html/zahe/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/CookieManager.php on line 65

    Ademas en la base de datos no aparece estas tablas dlm_reports_log & dlm_downloads

    Could you please go to dashboard > Downloads > Settings > Advanced > Miscellaneous > Recreate upgrade environment and redo the upgrade and let us know if after this the logging works?


    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Lo acabo de hacer y sigue igual, descargo el archivo y no me aumenta el conteo

    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Saben como puedo solucionarlo?

    Hello @jerryman8 ,

    Can you please upgrade to version 4.7.3 of the plugin and let me know if the problem still persists?
    Also, tried the other week to test again if it gives you any errors or such but it seemed you’ve downgraded the plugin.


    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Lo actualicé y sigue con el mismo problema, no me cuenta las descargas

    Could you please look again in the error log and see if there are any errors? Could you please look again in the database and see if the following tables exists:
    – {prefix}download_log
    – {prefix}dlm_downloads
    – {prefix}dlm_reports_log


    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Saludos, ingresé a la base de datos y el contenido de {prefix}download_log es lo siguiente, adjunto imagen –> https://prnt.sc/zvaXcU_Xnq8Y

    Además, no figura las otras tablas, adjunto imagen –> https://prnt.sc/JLqcD6OwAKxv

    ?Qué podría ser?

    Could you please go to dashboard > Downloads > Settings > Advanced > Miscellaneous > Recreate upgrade environment. Hit the Recreate upgrade environment and redo the upgrade process.

    Please let me know how this worked.


    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Funcionó, ?qué había pasado?

    Seems like all the back and forth with the downgrading and upgrading the plugin have messed it up a bit and the tables were not created, so after you recreated the upgrade environment and upgraded the database all the functionality was restored.

    Very glad it is now working for you ??

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter Jerry Castillo Alcántara


    Muchas gracias por la excelente ayuda ??

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