Hi @theorygeorgiou,
I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with the plugin, and we’d like to work with you to get this resolved.
Our basic plugin does not allow for map creation, and instead a default map is created for you on install. If this has failed, it is likely due to a failure during the installation process.
As mentioned in my reply to your follow up to the following thread:
This is most likely due to an issue within the environment that we could not automatically correct for.
If you are open to reaching out to us on our website, we’d be happy to work through this with you, to ensure things get up and running as soon as possible.
We do not require any payment for support, we fully support all versions of the plugin, including the basic plugin. Getting support via our website simply allows for a private way to discuss more intricate information about your installation that may not benefit other users here in the forums.
I hope to hear from you and work with you to get things corrected.