Hi, the plugin no longer serves widgets from our servers but from your wp-installation, we made the entire widget streaming code open source.
Some accounts might need to save general settings again to make the new version work and make sure you have latest 2.2.3 version installed.
@brauner, I see in debug mode that the constructor for /blog (https://gevrilgroup.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/share-social/constructor.php) throws a 403 forbidden error. Did you saved general settings again after upgrading the plugin on that wp installation?
@bridgetgiacinto, I see that your constructor in the debug console throws a 500 Internal Server Error, but when i visit the constructor in the browser (https://www.novastor.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/share-social/constructor.php) it seems ok (blank page as it should if you visit directly from browser). You need to consult with your it.
About your former cunjo.com short url’s i will be manually create redirects for you but i will need a list of the cunjo.com links associated with your website links.
@lesliejen2win, it does support multi site but it acts like a network plugin when it detects mu installed, NOT individual blog plugin. So you can go to your network area and see the plugin tab there. When you activate there a widget it activates that widget with those settings on all blogs. Individual blogs do not have access to the plugin, only network and super admin.