• Resolved Enrique J. Ros


    Hi there

    After upgrading to version 8.5.0, the Stripe fee and Stripe payout are no longer displayed in the totals on the order admin screen.

    Edit. – I mean for new orders, previous orders keep showing them.


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  • Thread Starter Enrique J. Ros


    Hi again

    It seems to happen only on renovation (WooCommerce Subscriptions) orders, not on new orders.


    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello Enrique J. Ros

    Thank you for contacting Woo support.

    Could you please share a screenshot of the order admin screen?
    This will help understand the problem in a better way.

    You may use https://snipboard.io/ to share images with me.

    Looking forward to your response. ??

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Enrique J. Ros


    Hi @doublezed2

    Sure! https://snipboard.io/oO37pF.jpg

    Upper image is a renewal order pre-8.5.0, the lower one is with 8.5.0. I have just updated to 8.5.1, couldn’t check yet.


    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi Enrique, @enriquejros

    Thanks for sharing those additional details. I just did a quick test with a simple WooCommerce product and I can see the fees:

    Direct link to the image: https://snipboard.io/i4PXMx.jpg

    I also tested this with a Subscriptions product and I still got the fees details:

    Direct link to the image: https://snipboard.io/4OMkpS.jpg

    With this in mind, can you please test with a default WooCommerce product and see if you get the fees? Additionally, please let us know which plugin you’re using for Subscriptions. Is it our own WooCommerce Subscriptions extension or a third-party product?

    You can also enable debug mode in your Stripe settings (WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Stripe → Settings → Debug Mode → Log error messages) and try placing a test order, then share the log found in?WooCommerce → Status → Logs.

    Looking forward to resolving this issue for you.

    Thread Starter Enrique J. Ros


    Hi @omarfpg

    The issue just happens with renewal orders (using WooCommerce Subscriptions), it’s working fine with simple products or even new subscription orders.

    The log for the last renewal order (personal data have been hidden):

    2024-07-12T22:50:13+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    Info: Begin processing subscription payment for order 217175 for the amount of 9.90
    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:13+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents request: Array
    [amount] => 990
    [currency] => eur
    [description] => **
    [metadata] => Array
    [customer_name] => **
    [customer_email] => **
    [order_id] => 217175
    [site_url] => https://**.com
    [payment_type] => recurring

    [payment_method_types] => Array
            [0] => card
    [off_session] => true
    [confirm] => true
    [confirmation_method] => automatic
    [customer] => cus_NPcFF5OM3snx2s
    [source] => src_1MesroEaUpLPTsBhHzXMAgtM
    [payment_method_options] => Array
            [card] => Array
                    [mandate_options] => Array
                            [amount_type] => fixed
                            [interval] => month
                            [interval_count] => 1
                            [amount] => 990
                            [reference] => 217175
                            [start_date] => 1720824613
                            [supported_types] => Array
                                    [0] => india


    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:14+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents response with stripe-version: 2024-06-20
    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:14+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3PbsI5EaUpLPTsBh1sfb428A initiated for order 217175
    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:14+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    charges/ch_3PbsI5EaUpLPTsBh1wd3hmx8 request: Array

    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:15+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    charges/ch_3PbsI5EaUpLPTsBh1wd3hmx8 response with stripe-version: 2024-06-20
    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:15+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    charges/ch_3PbsI5EaUpLPTsBh1wd3hmx8 request: Array

    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:15+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    charges/ch_3PbsI5EaUpLPTsBh1wd3hmx8 response with stripe-version: 2024-06-20
    ====End Log====

    2024-07-12T22:50:15+00:00 Depuración
    ====Stripe Version: 8.5.1====
    ====Stripe Plugin API Version: 2024-06-20====
    ====Start Log====
    Processing response: stdClass Object
    [id] => ch_3PbsI5EaUpLPTsBh1wd3hmx8
    [object] => charge
    [amount] => 990
    [amount_captured] => 990
    [amount_refunded] => 0
    [application] =>
    [application_fee] =>
    [application_fee_amount] =>
    [balance_transaction] =>
    [billing_details] => stdClass Object
    [address] => stdClass Object
    [city] => **
    [country] => AR
    [line1] => **
    [line2] =>
    [postal_code] => 7600
    [state] => B

            [email] => ****************
            [name] => ****************
            [phone] => 
    [calculated_statement_descriptor] => ****************
    [captured] => 1
    [created] => 1720824613
    [currency] => eur
    [customer] => ****************
    [description] => ****************
    [destination] => 
    [dispute] => 
    [disputed] => 
    [failure_balance_transaction] => 
    [failure_code] => 
    [failure_message] => 
    [fraud_details] => stdClass Object
    [invoice] => 
    [livemode] => 1
    [metadata] => stdClass Object
            [customer_email] => ****************
            [customer_name] => ****************
            [order_id] => 217175
            [payment_type] => recurring
            [site_url] => ****************
    [on_behalf_of] => 
    [order] => 
    [outcome] => stdClass Object
            [network_status] => approved_by_network
            [reason] => 
            [risk_level] => normal
            [seller_message] => Payment complete.
            [type] => authorized
    [paid] => 1
    [payment_intent] => ****************
    [payment_method] => ****************
    [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object
            [card] => stdClass Object
                    [amount_authorized] => 990
                    [brand] => visa
                    [checks] => stdClass Object
                            [address_line1_check] => unavailable
                            [address_postal_code_check] => unavailable
                            [cvc_check] => 
                    [country] => AR
                    [exp_month] => 9
                    [exp_year] => 2027
                    [extended_authorization] => stdClass Object
                            [status] => disabled
                    [fingerprint] => 7cDyJhbhnEWW8Iom
                    [funding] => debit
                    [incremental_authorization] => stdClass Object
                            [status] => unavailable
                    [installments] => 
                    [last4] => 3784
                    [mandate] => 
                    [multicapture] => stdClass Object
                            [status] => unavailable
                    [network] => visa
                    [network_token] => stdClass Object
                            [used] => 1
                    [overcapture] => stdClass Object
                            [maximum_amount_capturable] => 990
                            [status] => unavailable
                    [three_d_secure] => 
                    [wallet] => 
            [type] => card
    [radar_options] => stdClass Object
    [receipt_email] => ****************
    [receipt_number] => 
    [receipt_url] => https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/****************
    [refunded] => 
    [review] => 
    [shipping] => 
    [source] => stdClass Object
            [id] => ****************
            [object] => source
            [amount] => 
            [card] => stdClass Object
                    [address_line1_check] => unavailable
                    [address_zip_check] => unavailable
                    [brand] => Visa
                    [country] => AR
                    [cvc_check] => 
                    [dynamic_last4] => 
                    [exp_month] => 9
                    [exp_year] => 2027
                    [fingerprint] => 7cDyJhbhnEWW8Iom
                    [funding] => debit
                    [last4] => 3784
                    [name] => 
                    [three_d_secure] => optional
                    [tokenization_method] => 
            [client_secret] => ****************
            [created] => 1720824614
            [currency] => 
            [customer] => cus_NPcFF5OM3snx2s
            [flow] => none
            [livemode] => 1
            [metadata] => stdClass Object
            [owner] => stdClass Object
                    [address] => stdClass Object
                            [city] => ****************
                            [country] => AR
                            [line1] => ****************
                            [line2] => 
                            [postal_code] => 7600
                            [state] => B
                    [email] => ****************
                    [name] => ****************
                    [phone] => 
                    [verified_address] => 
                    [verified_email] => 
                    [verified_name] => 
                    [verified_phone] => 
            [statement_descriptor] => 
            [status] => chargeable
            [type] => card
            [usage] => reusable
    [source_transfer] => 
    [statement_descriptor] => 
    [statement_descriptor_suffix] => 
    [status] => succeeded
    [transfer_data] => 
    [transfer_group] => 


    ====End Log====


    Same problem for me.

    Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @enriquejros

    Since this is related to a premium extension, please contact us directly here to investigate further about your issue. Please include a link to this forum thread, so that we can keep track of what’s already been done.

    As per the forum guidelines, no support for premium extensions is done here but we will be happy to assist you further from there ??

    Hey @danieleperilli

    If you are also using WooCommerce Subscription, please contact us directly here. If not, to align with?forum best practices, please create a new topic so that we can address your issue(s) separately.

    I hope this helped you in the right direction! If you have any further questions, please let us know.

    Sorry, I don’t get the point. The Stripe Gateway plugin actually supports WooCommerce Subscriptions and there are several pieces of code in the Stripe plugin specific to WooCommerce Subscriptions. The latest version of the Stripe plugin (not WooCommerce Subscriptions) broke this compatibility, why do you think it is Subscriptions’ responsibility?

    Thread Starter Enrique J. Ros


    I agree with Daniele. This is not a WooCommerce Subscriptions issue, but a WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway issue, which specifically supports Woo Subscriptions.


    Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @enriquejros and @danieleperilli

    The issue just happens with renewal orders (using WooCommerce Subscriptions), it’s working fine with simple products or even new subscription orders.

    This statement clarifies that the Stripe gateway plugin works fine with new subscriptions and simple products, but the problem only arises with old or renewal subscriptions. This suggests that the Stripe gateway plugin isn’t the issue. Instead, there might be a configuration or conflict between the WooCommerce Subscription and the Stripe Gateway plugin.

    And, as per the forum guidelines, no support for premium extensions is done here but we will be happy to assist you further from there ??

    I hope this clarifies your concern. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Got it, thanks. We opened a ticket there.

    Thread Starter Enrique J. Ros



    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello Enrique J. Ros

    Thank you for your reply.

    Appreciate your step.
    Hopefully, you will resolve your issue after creating a ticket.

    Have a great day!

    Plugin Support Adam Heckler


    Marking this resolved in favor of the GitHub issue.

    @enriquejros Did you ever get a resolution to this issue? I’m having the same trouble on multiple sites using Stripe, and on all orders (not just with subscriptions). Since updating to 8.5.0 (or thereabouts) we’re no longer seeing Stripe fees on the order details page. Currently running 8.6.1 and it’s still not there.

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