No live log and no statistics
Dear Support
I just realized that I have no statistics anymore since July 2016.
Also live log is not working anymore: “Error: cannot find your log file. Try to reload this page.”Any idea what could had happened?
Thank you,
Can you check wether the
folders are writable? It looks like they aren’t.Also, if you go to “NinjaFirewall > Firewall Log”, do you see any error message? Does the log contains entries?
And check for error messages in the “NinjaFirewall > Overview” page as well.Hi
both folders are on 755.
And in both folder files are in. The latest from today.There are no errors on Firewall Log. Just some “info” massages.
There are no error messages on Overview as well.Best regards,
FrankCan you download this file and check if you see any error:
1. Rename this file to “wp-check.php”.
2. Upload it into your WordPress root folder.
3. Go to https://YOUR WEBSITE/wp-check.php
4. Delete it afterwards.Are the stats from NinjaFirewall’s widget working (you can access it from WP dashoard page)?
I tried that already. No errors displayed from wp-check
The stats on the widgets from dashboard page are showing only 0’s.
Best regadrs,
FrankWhat about these 2 files:
Are they empty?
content of /wp-content/nfwlog/firewall_2017-02.php :
<?php exit; ?>
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[1487615471] [0] [] [#1919787] [0] [6] [] [403] [POST] [/index.php] [Logged in user] [hex:6e47474b646971527266674150596b202861646d696e6973747261746f7229]
[1487661842] [0] [] [#6970287] [0] [6] [] [403] [POST] [/index.php] [Logged in user] [hex:6e47474b646971527266674150596b202861646d696e6973747261746f7229]
[1487703831] [0] [] [#2554037] [0] [6] [] [403] [POST] [/index.php] [Logged in user] [hex:6e47474b646971527266674150596b202861646d696e6973747261746f7229]content of /wp-content/nfwlog/stats_2017-02.php:
Dashboard shows:
Blocked hacking attempts 0
Hacking attempts severity Critical: 0%
High: 0%
Medium: 0%
Uploaded files 0All those lines are not blocked threats but information about logging, plugin activation etc. They appear as “info” in the Firewall Log’s “LEVEL” colunm.
You won’t see them in the stats page or the dashboard widget.Try to trigger the firewall:
1- Log out of WordPress admin dashboard.
2. Go to https://your-website/index.php?ninjatest=%00 . You should be blocked.
3. Log in to the WordPress dashboard and check again the widget and the stats page.Hi
1: done
2: done. I’m blocked.
3: no stats: everything zero!Firewall works but no stats are collected.
Best regards,
FrankThat’s odd.
1- Can you paste here the content of the/wp-content/nfwlog/stats_2017-02.php
2- Open/wp-content/nfwlog/firewall_2017-02.php
, search for the “ASCII character 0x00” string and paste here the corresponding line.Hi!
Hier is the content of stats_2017_02.php:
0:0:0:0:0:0:26:0:0:0firewall_2017-02.php has no ASCII like content.
Also I checked again: does not create an entry in the firewall_2017-02.php file.Best regards,
FrankIt looks like you have a restriction at the server/hosting level.
Are you using any specific hosting plan, that includes security for WordPress?What your logs show is that all data coming from the plugin part of NinjaFirewall (i.e., when WordPress is loading or already loaded) is correctly written to the logs, but data coming for the firewall part (i.e., before loading WordPress) is not written to the logs. I know that some hosting companies like wpengine have that kind of restriction.
Don’t believe that this is the problem:
I have so many site with the same hoster and some even on the same virtuel machine:
the-meloncut.chthey all have ninijafirewall installed and perfectly working.
Best regards,
FrankCan you try to reinstall it?
1. Export your configuration ( Firewall Options > Export configuration ).
2. Uninstall NinjaFirewall from the Plugins page.
3. Delete the/wp-content/nfwlog/
folder and its subfolders.
4. Re-install NinjaFirewall.
5. Re-import its configuration ( Firewall Options > Import configuration ).Afterwards, you will need to re-configure “File Check” because it won’t be exported/imported.
Yes, the reinstallation worked!
Everything ok now.Thank you,
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