Hi @umarmughal ,
As far as I know that Lightsail is not support any vendor’s image solution at this moment. If you want, please try following commands to install OpenLiteSpeed WordPress on Lightsail which should provide the same setup as EC2’s.
### Install OpenLiteSpeed and WordPress
bash <( curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litespeedtech/ls-cloud-image/master/Setup/wpimgsetup.sh )
### Regenerate password for Web Admin, Database, setup Welcome Message
bash <( curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litespeedtech/ls-cloud-image/master/Cloud-init/per-instance.sh )
### Reboot server
Let us know if it works. And since it’s not cache plugin related, please discuss in OpenLiteSpeed Forum or LiteSpeed Community on Slack for any further question.