• neworld


    I’m appending SMF icons automatically into a default WordPress theme. When I click on the FB and G+ icons, there is no thumbnail displayed. the LinkedIn icon allows me to select images, but the default image is always a gray silhoutte, not the image in the post.

    How can I fix this? Thank you.


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  • Please provide a link to the page displaying the problem.

    Hello! I have de same problem.
    Whe I try to share, the plugin take the correct URL, but has not image and in the title/description only use the domain name.
    It has the same problen in the blog page and in the single post page.

    the url: https://www.fxanimation.es/blogfx
    thanks a lot.

    Same for me. I click the facebook share button. The post is prepared for me to go into gfacebook. I share it.

    When i got to facebook the post is there but it has placed my avatar image from wordpress in the facebook post rather than the image from the post itself.

    google+ is working for me, its facebook that doesnt select the featured image.

    it is choosing a small image from a related gallery.

    i checked out all the share buttons including pinterest and its all great except facebook which is key.

    I think this is a problem on Facebook’s side – they are simply ignoring the parameter I’m specifying for image, instead picking up an image on their own that they choose. I think you can install an OpenGraph plugin to force FB to pick the right image.

    It actually picks the right image for me for the link above, so looks like FB is maybe not updating it correctly for everyone.

    the solution was to add this to my header:

    <meta property=”og:image” content=”<?php
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    $full_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), ‘full’ );
    echo $full_image_url[0];}
    ” />

    maybe google will pick this up for others if i explain further.

    if you are using wpec aka wp e-commerce and you need the featured image to be specified for the facebook open graph guidelines, you need to use a little php to call the featured image in full size with no extra title alt or other attributes.

    I fixed unchecking the “Display Follow Buttons” and using the PHP tag in the theme:
    <?php echo synved_social_share_markup(); ?>

    thanks a lot!

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