• I am a newbie. I speak a little html. I was beguiled by literature and websites using expressions like “simple for even the most un-web-savvy designers” “Up and running in less than an hour”. I have NO IDEA what MySQL is (yes, I’ve read the installation instructions). Don’t know what cPanel is.

    My website is hosted by Bell in Canada. Can anyone give me simple instructions, or point me to a page for idiots that will spell this out for me?


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  • MySQL is a database useful to store the data of your website. cPanel is a control panel available to manage your websites email accounts, web pages, MySQL database and much more.

    You will require to create MySQL database from cPanel in order to install wordpress blog on your website.

    After looking around Bell’s website hosting and design options, I see no references to a cpanel or mySQL. It’s possible that those features aren’t offered; check with your Bell consultant.

    Use the letter on this page to ask your hosting provider if they support everything you need first.


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