Hi there,
plugin > settings stating that fact?
We actually have this stated and controlled as the first setting of the Tracking tab of our settings panel
We try to point this out in as many other places as possible as well with an HTML comment directly above where the MonsterInsights code deploys, a custom alert in the JavaScript console for the website when an admin user is logged in, and all of our docs on our website about real time tracking, excluding user roles and verifying google analytics is tracking on our website make sure to note this. We’ve also tailored the JS output so that users using the Tag Assistant tool when they view the code will see the console note that they are not being tracked https://cloud.supportally.com/3v3v1Z0q2Q2k
We’re working on a tiny permanently-dismissible red overlay for the bottom corner for admin users only that say they are not being tracked when viewing a frontend page, so that way after new users install the plugin and go to the frontend they can see a little note, and dismiss it.
We’re always working on ways to make MonsterInsights more intuitive and easy to use, and if anyone has ideas, we’re always happy to hear them at https://www.monsterinsights.com/lite-support/
This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by