• Resolved zailana



    I would like to translate my form and my articles en french.
    But, I don’t know how to do. Can you tell me where the .po file which should be in the Languages ??file? Or tell me where to put my .po file created ?

    Thanks a lot !

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  • Theme Author NimbusThemes


    I can see that the “lang” folder is missing from the theme. But it is being referenced. I have noted this bug and we will incorporate a fix in the next update. For the time being, simply create a new folder called “lang” in your theme folder “wp-content/themes/simple-business-wp” and then follow the instructions here to create a new translation: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-translate-a-wordpress-theme/

    Thread Starter zailana



    Thank you for answered and it’s great that you will incorporate in the next update!

    I partially succeeded in translating the terms on the site. It’s weird because there are words that remain in English as “leave a reply”, “no comments”, “submit”, …
    Could you help me ? How to fully translate the site?

    Is it an error comes from my added lines of code?
    functions.php :

    // Traduction
    		load_theme_textdomain('nimbus', templatepath.'/lang' );


    /** Traduction de WordPress */
    define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');

    Thank you in advance!

    Theme Author NimbusThemes



    Looks like some strings are not translatable in the theme – I can work on an update for you so they will be available for translation in POEdit. Please give me till the end of the week.

    In the meanwhile, if you see any other strings that are not translated, let me know.


    Thread Starter zailana


    Great, thanks !

    There are too:
    – The contact form in the Home: “name”, “email”, “website”, “comments”
    – The article date on Blog section: “Fév28 By Zailana” (for example)
    – In the article: “Type your comment here”, in addition to “leave a reply”, “submit” and “no comments”

    Thank you for your responsiveness and help.

    Thread Starter zailana



    Have you found a solution?

    Thread Starter zailana



    With no response from you, I come back for you.
    Have you found a solution? Could you tell me where you are in your work please?


    Theme Author NimbusThemes


    I’m working on updating the theme to make those string translatable. Please give me till the beginning of next week. Thanks!

    Thread Starter zailana


    Ok great. There is no problem, I’ll wait.
    Thank you for your help !

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