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  • Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey Royafraser,

    Are you able to send me a link to the page on your site where you’re displaying the feed so that I can take a look at what the issue might be?


    Thread Starter Royafraser


    Hey John,

    Sure, it’s here:

    Please excuse the base level of humour going on while it’s under construction!!! Haha

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey Royafraser,

    It looks like the reason for the issue is that your WordPress theme is missing the WordPress wp_head and wp_footer functions from it’s header.php and footer.php files. These functions are required by plugins in order to include their CSS and JavaScript files in your page. Without the plugin’s JavaScript file included in your page then it isn’t able to retrieve the Instagram photos. To add these functions to your theme simply do the following:

    1) Open your theme’s header.php file and add the following before the closing </head> tag:

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    2) Open you theme’s footer.php file and add the following before the closing </body> tag:

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    Let me know whether that solves the problem for you,


    Thread Starter Royafraser


    Hey John, I can actually already see those in the header and footer… Should I paste them in anyway?

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    My mistake, you’re right – they’re already in there. On closer inspection it looks like you’re having the same problem as the user in this thread. Could you follow the steps outlined in that thread and let me know whether that fixes the issue for you?


    Thread Starter Royafraser


    Yep, that did it!

    Thanks so much!

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Awesome, glad to hear that!

    If you like the plugin and feel like leaving a super-quick review then it would be hugely appreciated! It really helps to support the plugin ??

    If you have any other issues then just let me know,


    Thread Starter Royafraser


    Yeah, thanks a bunch. HOWEVER I’m now unable to change the feed… I was using one for testing and now I want to switch over to another but it seems to not want to do that, regardless of adding the correct user ID and key for the new one… Any ideas?

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey Royafraser,

    When you say you’re switching it over to another one do you mean that you’re replacing the existing Access Token and User ID on the Settings page with the new ones, or are you adding the User ID via the shortcode option? Both should work, so if it’s not then I’m wondering whether your site is using a caching plugin which might be caching the old photos. That’s unlikely though as they’re loaded dynamically via JavaScript. Are you able to either tell me the new Access Token and User ID that you’re using so that I can check them or grant me access to log into your site to take a look? Feel free to send any info you don’t want to be public to me via the Support form on our website. We’re having a few website issues today so if the site doesn’t load then try again in a couple of hours.


    Thread Starter Royafraser


    Hey John,

    I’m replacing the User ID and the Access Token. I’ve logged out of the Instagram account I no longer want to use, and logged in to the one I do want to use in order to generate the correct ID and Token using the shortcut button in the plugin configuration area. I’ve cross checked that the User ID being generated is indeed the correct one for the account I want to use, but it’s still showing content from the other one that, at this point, is wholly unconnected…

    Details I want to use:

    User ID: 19018506
    Token: 19018506.1654d0c.5cd18ce640734e48a2ca7b7e3f9bc6ed

    This is the Instagram I should be seeing, but am not seeing:

    Hope you can make something of that…


    Plugin Author smashballoon


    I’m seeing the new Access Token in your page but the following User ID: 1464251937. Could you double check the User ID field on the plugin’s Settings page? Are you just using the standard [instagram-feed] shortcode or are you using any options in it?


    Thread Starter Royafraser


    I’ve saved 19018506 several times, also ticked the button to save the settings, and it’s showing 19018506 in the User ID box. So it’s not updating if it’s still reading the other User ID.

    Ahhhhh I just checked the short code. I had actually only pasted (i’m pretty certain) [instagram-feed] but it had changed (as if by magic?) to [instagram-feed id 1464251937] so I guess that was the problem.

    It’s working now, since I’ve replaced that number with the correct one.

    Sorry, I should have checked that..!

    Thanks for your time and help!

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Glad to hear we got to the bottom of it. The shortcode isn’t able to change automatically, but nonetheless glad to hear it’s working now. There’s no need to include the User ID in the shortcode if you have it on the Settings page, but there’s no harm in doing so.

    If you have any other issues then just let me know.


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