• is this great looking plugin supposed to work on WP 4.1?

    I installed it into my new blog sidebar (kevblog.kevbro.co.uk) and it all went very smoothly indeed, including the Feedburner setup, but when I tested it and hit the ‘go’ button nothing happened, and no email was sent out … very disappointing.

    to be fair, this is not the first that has not worked for me – I have tried about half a dozen in my attempt to get a simple follow my blog widget, such as:
    Jetpack, OSD Subscibe, Simple Subscide, Subscribe2 … etc

    I have noticed that when searching plug-ins that many state that they have not been tested on my version (and some I have tried may have not been) ….
    could that be the problem?

    and is it not a pity that one does not get the option to search plug-ins by WP ver number?

    any help would really be appreciated.


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