I am also having this issue of not being able to send email notifications, but here are more details:
I moved my blog bibleornot.org from Go Daddy to In Motion (and yes, the performance is much better).
Everything works fine, except new post notification emails do not work, and email to subscribers does not work.
I have the most recent version of WP.
I have updated WP-Mail-SMTP and Subscribe2 plugins to the most recent versions.
I have set and verified the SMTP settings in Settings > Email. Send test email works.
I have sent Send Email Preview in Subscribe2 and it works.
When I go to Posts > Email Subscribers and attempt to send a test message, this is what happens:
– Select Preview – message is sent and I receive it
– Select Send – get error message: Message failed! Check your settings and check with your hosting provider. Could not instantiate mail function.
When I publish a new post, no email notifications go out.
Does anyone know why all mail functions would work except mail to subscribers?