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  • Theme Author athemes


    You appear to be using Solon theme rather than Fashionistas? If you need support for Solon please post in the relevant forum:

    Hi I’m having this same issue. Is there a way to have a “continue reading” by default? Thanks.

    Hi ray760,

    It is always advisable to open a new thread for new question because however close a question may seem to, will be different in a way or the other.

    I looked into you your site and found that you have customized “continue reading” to a beautiful reading button which says click here for more details.

    Please let us know if you want anything else!

    PS: Also I noticed that you aren’t using the pretty permalinks and rather using the wordPress’ default permalinks.
    Pretty permalinks are good for SEO, so you might want to change it in the settings


    help eu tenho um blog no tema fashionista, e eu configurei o editor <div class=”clearfix entry-content”>
    <?php the_excerpt( __( ‘continue lendo <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, ‘athemes’ ) ); ?>

    só que o ¨continue lendo¨ (seguido de uma seta) só aparece em 1 dos artigos, nos demais n?o, n?o sei como resolver isso!!! me fiz entender? alguém pode me ajudar?


    Can you please translate your question and try again?


    help I have a blog on fashionista theme, and I configured the editor <div class = “clearfix entry-content”>
    <? php the_excerpt (__ (‘continue reading <span class = “meta-nav”> → </ span>’, ‘athemes’)); ?>

    the only Continue reading (followed by an arrow) appears only in one of the articles, not the other, do not know how to solve this !!! did understand me? can anyone help me?


    Yes I understood the issue, can you please share a link to your site so that we can have a look?


    I am facing the same issue in the below mentioned blog.
    Some of the posts are missing the ” Continue reading -> ” part even though in the wordpress editor <!–more–> is present.

    Please advice how to solve this issue.

    Also would like to mention that If I remove the <!–more–> from the post, the continue reading appears, but it’s not where I desire it to be. Maybe after a particular length it comes up. But that’s not what I wanted. Wanted to to appear where I had put the ‘more’ portion.

    Hi reepjyoti,

    First of all I will suggest you to always create a new thread for new issues in the forum, it helps us to keep the problem and solutions exclusive and helps users with related issues.

    Now to answer your question. The theme has hooked into a filter to change the excerpt length, which is now 40 words (default is 55), which means the number of words to appear before the “continue reading” link appears.

    If you insert the read more link anywhere less than 40 words in the WYSIWYG editor, then that would reflect in the front end.

    To increase the excerpt length, you can use the following codes in your child theme‘s functions.php file.

    remove_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'athemes_excerpt_length' );
    function se_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    	return 100;
    add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'se_excerpt_length' );

    The example above will increase the excerpt length to 100, you can adjust it as per your need.

    Hope it helps!

    Hey Maruti Mohanty,

    Thanks for the reply.. but i think you din’t get my issue here. I don’t want the excerpt length to increase.
    Like you said,
    “If you insert the read more link anywhere less than 40 words in the WYSIWYG editor, then that would reflect in the front end.”

    The post excerpt length is correctly appearing in the front end but the “Continue Reading” is missing for certain posts. Please check the site , you’ll see certain posts miss the “continue reading” part.

    My issue is same as discussed under this topic ie. No “Continue Reading” at the bottom of cut off posts.

    After some more analysis I got to know that
    putting <!–more–> before the max excerpt length hides the “continue reading” text.

    Any idea what might be causing the issue?

    Did not find the root cause of the issue, but found a workaround!
    I resolved it for my site using “Explicit Excerpt”

    To Set An Explicit Excerpt; ppl who are facing the issue can follow the instructions as shown here, under the “To Set An Explicit Excerpt” section:



    How do I get rid of the “continue reading ->” link below the excerpt?

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