• Resolved bwedmore


    Just freshly installed v2.0 and have a couple issues:

    1. Not one of the templates displays anything in the content area. I have triple-checked all settings and it is just a blank white space. I am using fixed height and width and CSS style. I have tried every single template as well as Custom.

    2. I have unchecked “Start in open tab slide view” yet when the page loads the tab content area (which is empty – see #1 above) is visible (blank white space). There is no close button on it, but the tab image is also still visible in it’s correct location on top the tab content area. If I click the tab image, the close button appears and the tab image disappears behind the tab content area. So that part is working fine but the initial page load is incorrect.


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  • Hello,

    I just tried this once more and no it does not display the content of the tab slide w/2.0.1 in use.

    I use the ‘Widget’ approach with no luck at all on the latest code.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author zoranc


    I have made a checklist for these kind of issues on the official tab slide forum


    I found the problem with my site and have a fix… Tab slide hooks ‘the_content’ but on my site, index pages do not use ‘the_content’ instead they use ‘the_excerpt’ so I modified tab_slide to also hook ‘the_excerpt’ and remove the hook as done for the_content. Now with both hooked, tab_slide appears everywhere desired.

    Not all themes are the same and this should cover theme differences where the_content is not called on an index but the_excerpt() is.

    I tried to hook wp_footer but that did not work very well.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author zoranc


    Thanks Texiwill! Much appreciated comment.

    I have been looking for the “magic bullet” of a hook but the more I look into it, the more elusive that goal becomes. It seems that this part has been left to theme developers and as you said different theme developers implement things differently.

    I think what I’ve finally decided to do is a workaround which I will release in the next version.

    The gist of it is: I will create a select dropdown menu in the advanced options that will allow you to select different hooks (such as the_content, the_excerpt, wp_footer, wp_header and a custom hook you can specify into a text input that you can drop in into your specific templates. Also I will add in a conditional to not display the rest of the tab slide, if the content was not included(ie the tab with blank content won’t be showing up)

    I think this should provide sufficient ways to integrate tab slide with any theme creating a decent workaround. Any suggestions at this point are welcome!

    Page text disappears when I view the page on site.

    When I look from customize section all data is displayed properly but when I go from pages,view page or visit site,the page content appears for a moment and then disappears.please help me.

    Also By mistake I deleted posts permanently, but I created again,posts are not displayed.And I am not able to see the Author in the posts page Author column.

    Please help me as early as possible

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