Those remarks were not well-received because of their tone, not because of the question that was being asked. As for not wanting anyone to express wishes, nothing could be further from the truth. The only way more and better documentation will be generated is as a result of feedback from users. However, if a person comes across in a condescending or mean-spirited way, their remarks aren’t well-received, as demonstrated in this thread.
Open source projects ARE a community process, but this community is not exclusionary. I am not a coder, but I have found ways to contribute in spite of that.
“An authoritative from-the-source manual is needed.” you say. Not sure what you mean by that.
Your comments about the template tags documentation is a perspective which I share. In fact, I would be so bold as to say that Podz would also agree that they need some additional work done on them. This has been discussed within the group of those folks who have volunteered to work on the documents.
One final point. There are by now, tens of thousands of WordPress users. There are maybe a dozen volunteers working actively on documentation. This is in addition to them having their own site or sites to manage, contributing to other projects, and of course, real life.
Consider that there are probably ten times as many folks helping out with plugins and code, and you can see why documentation does lag behind. It’s not the sexy part of a project, and takes a lot of time and work to get it to a decent level.