• I have three blogs which are not creating a cache. They are all running on WP 2.0.2 / Mysql 4.1.15 / PHP 4.4.2

    I have tried creating wp-content/cache/ manually, and set permissions of both folders to 777, but no success.

    What should my next step be?

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  • Thread Starter JohnP


    thanks David. You say:

    when you have a very heavily hit SQL server and lightly hit webserver…

    I actually suspect this is indeed my situation – about 99% of pages load in a flash, but regularly pages begin giving time-out errors and the site becomes unusable for a minute or so.

    talk to sysadmins — sounds like something odd on your box there!

    I’ll forward your comment to the sysadmin – I’m beginning to worry that he is out of his depth here. I certainly am!

    Thread Starter JohnP


    Well, I just tried installing WP-Cache on another server (which I believe is working fine), this time on a newly upgraded WP 2.0.3.

    Just to be clear, I did the following:

    • Edit wp-cache-phase2.php. Search for “ob_end_clean()” and replace it with “ob_end_flush()”
    • Upload wp-content/plugins/wp-cache/ directory
    • Upload edited wp-config.php file with: define(’WP_CACHE’, true);
    • Create wp-content/cache directory and CHMOD 777
    • Activate Plugin
    • Enable Cache in Options > WP-Cache

    Again, install was smooth, no errors, no problems. Site works fine.

    But nothing written to cache (WP 2.0.1 was successfully cacheing previously), and no extra message in source code.

    This time seems to be no problem with ownership, changing permissions etc.

    No doubt I am missing something so blindingly obvious that no-one would think to mention it!

    Did the same thing as JohnP. using wp2.03 wp-cache 2.0.17.
    Created the sym link on demand(got SSH access).

    There are no errors in admin panel – but cache is empty.
    Now there two of us missing something obvious …

    The decision would be to use wp1.5 and perfect “Staticize Reloaded 2.6″… ??

    FYI, WP-Cache was actually a derivative of Staticize — they’re essentially the same thing, just WP-Cache has been updated with some optimizations, automatic ‘hook’ into the WP startup process, admin panel, and some triggers to clear the cache.


    WP-Cache is pretty hard core though and not needed unless your site is being Digged or something. Personally, the built in cache, while not as efficient as WP-Cache, is enough for me and much less of a hassle.

    Having the same issue as JohnP – no errors, no warnings, no nothing… just no files being cached.

    please help!!!

    My head is spinning from going around in circles on this one.

    Does Wp-Cache not work with WordPress 2.0.5?

    To anyone having trouble getting their pages to cache, and aren’t able to perform the symbolic link… I had the same problem. But I read the following info:

    6. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:
    define('WP_CACHE', true);
    Make sure you add the line in the middle of the file, otherwise it won't execute.`

    I did this and now everything works.

    Good luck!



    I was having the same problem with the cache.
    Thank you, BHBuck.
    I would not think of moving that line in the midle of the file ??

    Now it works.



    For those who have tried everything (as I did), the following fixed it. Not sure where I found it, but thanks to whomever it came from.

    In the wp-config.php file, add:

    define(‘DISABLE_CACHE’, true);

    I’m running on linux w/ apache.

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