Well, I just tried installing WP-Cache on another server (which I believe is working fine), this time on a newly upgraded WP 2.0.3.
Just to be clear, I did the following:
- Edit wp-cache-phase2.php. Search for “ob_end_clean()” and replace it with “ob_end_flush()”
- Upload wp-content/plugins/wp-cache/ directory
- Upload edited wp-config.php file with: define(’WP_CACHE’, true);
- Create wp-content/cache directory and CHMOD 777
- Activate Plugin
- Enable Cache in Options > WP-Cache
Again, install was smooth, no errors, no problems. Site works fine.
But nothing written to cache (WP 2.0.1 was successfully cacheing previously), and no extra message in source code.
This time seems to be no problem with ownership, changing permissions etc.
No doubt I am missing something so blindingly obvious that no-one would think to mention it!