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  • Plugin Author Nick Powers


    I’m sorry still a little unclear if you are using gravars (based upon the user’s email in their profile and or using a local avatar plugin? If you are using a local avatar plugin, which one and have you uploaded a avatar in the user’s profile?



    Thread Starter Gregg


    Hi Nick,
    Thanks for the reply. My mistake. I didn’t realize the email address in my profile controlled the gravatar. I changed the email addy to an account that had a gravatar and it worked. Now I understand my mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks!


    Plugin Author Nick Powers



    Awesome, I’m glad to see it’s working for you!


    Thread Starter Gregg


    Just out of curiosity Nick, is it possible to insert an image that doesn’t come from a gravatar?

    Plugin Author Nick Powers


    You can have local avatars, where a picture is uploaded directly in the user’s profile. Doing so will require another plugin. There are several you can choose from:

    Thread Starter Gregg


    Got it. Thanks!

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