Hi there,
I am trying to use the plugin, and I just created and saved a survey, and now I can’t find it. Where are they stored? I assume there’s a shortcode or something to get it into a page?
Also, I have a suggestion regarding an interface improvement. Right now, if you don’t know in advance how many answer options to create for a question, you get into trouble. I might think, for example, that I have 4 possible radio button choices for the question, and I’ll choose 4, and fill them in, only to realize there’s another I’d like to add. If I then move the slider to 5, my previous 4 disappear. Bummer.
Hey, I’d like to beta test for you because I really want to use this plugin, and surveys are going to be important to my business model, so contact me about working with you on feedback, testing and features. I’d especially need csv download.
The whole purpose of my use is to collect user behavior data in order to serve them better products, ads, and info, so that’ll be the lens I see the plugin through.