Setup Bullet Proof Security, watch the video below about the Custom Code and get everything working, you should see the pop-ups in your WP Admin.
When you SAVE the custom code, its saved and even though you manually delete the .htaccess file, you can reload it in Bullet Proof.
So, FTP or WinScp into the public_html folder.
Rename .htaccess file to BAK.htaccess file.
Install Ninja Firewall, activate it, choose the correct INI version. VPS users select User.ini. Then enable Ninja Firewall. It will create a ini file and a .htaccess file.
Setup the Login Protection, select ALWAYS ON, use a unique user and pass word.
Log out of WordPress to test the Login Protection
Log back in to WP and you should see another additional login screen. Its the HTTP Authentication. Looks different in all browser, so don’t ask for a photo. =)
If its enabled and not working. In some servers PHP might take 5 minutes to recognize the ini file. So wait 5 minutes
Now look at the .htaccess code created by Ninja Plugin and copy it over to Bullet Proof Security- Custom Code- Root Htacess Custom Code. In the “Custom Code Top PHP/PHP.INI. HANDLER/CACHE CODE:”
Paste the NinjaFirewall code. Hit SAVE. I pasted it above any custom code I had.
Go to Security Mode-
select the Create secure.htaccess File.
Activate Security Modes
Activate Website Root Folder .htaccess Security Mode
Select Root Folder BulletProof Mode
Then FTP, hit refresh and verify that the Ninja Code and Bullet Proof codes are present.
Please Note: In some server PHP might take 5 minutes to recognize the ini file. So wait 5 minutes