Hi Stefan,
I don’t speak German, but I understand it. I’ll reply in English, if you don’t mind. ??
There’s a couple of things going on at your website:
- One Google Fonts API request also requests system fonts, which is weird:
Arial and Helvetica are in there, which don’t have to be requested. And then Lora, Poppins and Roboto. However, I tested this request and it was properly fetched by OMGF. So, this shouldn’t be an issue for the free version.
- Another request is inserted asynchronously:
To block this request, you’ll need to enable the Pro feature, called Remove Async Google Fonts
- You’re using Recaptcha, which is loaded in an
. Any external source that’s loaded inside an iframe
is unreachable for us to modify. So these Google Fonts can’t be processed. On a different note: I’d suggest using a GDPR-friendly alternative for Recaptcha. If Google Fonts is a GDPR issue, it won’t be long before Recaptcha will be issue ??
Hope this clarifies things. Let me know if you need anything else!