Thanks for the feedback.
Ecwid was initially designed to be fast. For example, it by design works without page reload – regardless of how many products you browser in the store, the page will not be reloaded in your browser which visually makes the switch between products and categories faster than any switch between the regular site pages. Also, we constantly improve it to speed the stores up. One of the most noticeable features here is CDN delivery – it makes your store front pages delivered to the customers from the nearest location. For example, you products images are delivered from US servers to US customers, while the same content is delivered from Europe servers to European customers.
I understand though that all of those don’t matter if the storefront works slowly. However such issues are often caused by the other content on the site which sometimes delay the store widgets loading, and those can be fixed. Either way, we would love to look into the issue and help you make the store faster. Can you please provide your store URL so we can have a look?
Regarding the product blocks on the site, your feedback makes perfect sense. We do plan to implement more product widgets in our WordPress plugin to make it possible. Meanwhile, I’d like to suggest using the Single product shortcodes ([ecwid_product]) – you can use that to feature any product on your site, e.g. on the main page. Here is a how-to from our knowledge base: https://help.ecwid.com/customer/portal/articles/1085017-wordpress-downloadable#Howtoembedasingleproductonapageorpostofmysite