• Resolved Context Canada


    NextGen Gallery ver. 2.0.40 is causing a conflict with my Meta Slider plugin ver. 2.6.3. I am running WP ver. 3.8.1.
    Until recently, there had been no problem with the 2 plugins and I cannot pinpoint when the problem started. I have tried WP Debug but it is not showing anything. If I deactivate NextGen Gallery then the slider works. The slider is in the header of the site and it uses a shortcode [metaslider id=251] to work. Right now it is showing just 1 image.


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  • Hi Context,

    I’ve only gone as far as installing NextGen on my test installation (havent set up any galleries etc), but so far Meta Slider is still working.

    Please could you enable Meta Slider on your site again so I can take a look at the error?


    Thread Starter Context Canada


    I have not disabled the slider it is still activated, just not working. It is the sunset image in the upper left hand corner of the header. I appreciate your prompt reply. However I will not be able to reply again for the next 4-5 hours.

    Hi Context,

    Sorry – I see it now.

    The footer of your theme looks corrupt. There is a <head> tag near the bottom, and it’s missing the closing </body> and </html> tags. Have you changed or modified your theme recently, or installed any other plugins (a menu plugin maybe)?

    I think that needs to be fixed regardless, but please also check you have the ‘Print JS’ option enabled in the slideshow settings.


    Thread Starter Context Canada


    Thank you so much. The footer was definitely the problem
    The Print JS function was already enabled.
    I checked the date on the footer file and it was modified the same day I installed a plugin called MY Weather. Should I assume that was what modified my footer?
    Thanks again for your help.

    I have absolutely the same problem: when NextGen gallery plugin is activated, metaslider stops.
    Now nextgen is deactivated.

    Could you help, please?

    Thread Starter Context Canada


    Check your footer to see if there the same issue.

    Thread Starter Context Canada


    Check your footer to see if there the same issue.

    Thread Starter Context Canada


    Check your footer to see if there the same issue.

    Thread Starter Context Canada


    Check your footer to see if there the same issue.


    I’m having the same issue since the NextGen update, Meta slider is no longer working properly.

    My slide doesn’t appear at all, unless I change the setting to “Responsive” but if I do my slider doesn’t slide anymore…
    My site is https://www.bogashi.fr

    and this how it used to work https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:J9B87-EG-Y0J:www.bogashi.fr/+&cd=1&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr


    ps: i enabled/disabled “Print JS”…no change

    Hi Florian,

    Print JS definitely needs to be enabled.

    I’ve found some code in Next Gen that could be the problem (it has some code that moves Javascript includes from the footer of the page into the <head>), but it’s working OK for me here.

    Before going much further, please could you confirm everything works OK when NextGen is disabled.


    Thanks for the fast reply.
    I tried to disable Next gen but i still doesn’t work. I don’t know if it’s related but my widget page is really in bad shape…I can’t enable or disable any widget now.

    I’m pretty new to wp, it’s my firsst sith with it. What should i have in my footer.php? I just put an empty div.

    I guess asking the question is part of finding the solution…
    I forgot the call to wp_footer in my footer. I put it and now it (almost) work : Meta Slider is working but the lightbox effect of NG still doesn’t work.

    Could it be linked to the fact that the script is before the html markup?

    Hi Tom,
    since the update to the recent version of NGGallery I have exactly the same problems as described before.
    Print JS is enabled.
    When I disable NextGen, Metaslider as well as the “Ajax Event Calender” are working fine, but there are no more Picture Galleries.
    When I enable NextGen, Metaslider stops sliding (showing only the first image) and the AEC only shows the Categories in calendar mode and in the eventlist mode the hyperlinks don’t work.
    My site’s url is: https://www.ubeonline.de

    Regards VOlker

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