I love searching for help when I have an issue and then thinking that I found some at www.remarpro.com…everyone complains that their plugins don’t work and get pissed when they are having problems…
You guys realize that you got WordPress and the plugins made for it, for free…right? The developers of the plugins spend countless hours creating what you’re using, for nothing. So next time you see a “donation” button the plugin options screen, you should click it.
My strategy is that I normally buy a plugin before I use a free one, why? Better support and more incentive to provide a better plugin and it helps the developers out.
Anyway, I’m using a framework on a custom project that I am working on.
The solution in my situation was to move
<?php wp_head(); ?>
after the jQuery library was being loaded…this is how it should have been setup before I ran into this problem, but I didn’t code the initial work, another developer on my team did and they will definitely be getting an earful in the morning, seeing as how I wasted about 30 minutes figuring it out.
Anyway, remember that you are getting WordPress and 99% of your plugins for free. Nextgen Gallery is one of very few special cases in which you can safely say that the free version is better than most “paid” photo gallery type plugins. Being a developer I can also assure that their coding is top notch and I can see that they have stayed true to the original developer in which they bought the plugin from…
Nextgen Gallery folks – keep up the good work, you are doing awesome, I know you can’t plan for every little variant in your code, but your doing a damn fine job!