• Is it possible to change the default image size from 320×240 to another default value when inserting a singlepic?
    (I’m aware of that I can change the value both in the box and in the tag it self, but I would like to have another default value so that I don’t need to change it)

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  • I’m also interested in changing the default size. My wife posts 90% of the content for our blog. Not being very code savvy, she does not remember to change the tag values. This causes un-needed cache pics when I go and resize after the fact.

    I think this might get more attention if it was posted in the correct forum, for plugins (where plugin authors regularly check for posts about their plugins). This one is meant for WordPress core, so it’s probably not getting the attention of the people who can best answer your question.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Moved to plugins forum.

    And adding the correct tag ??

    I will have a look for a new option

    Somewhat related… can we have an option to cache a resized “large” pic instead of scaling down the “fullsize”? This would save bandwidth and spare my in-laws from effectively downloading 10 megapixel images just to view the 800×600 scaled version.


    Looking to change the default size of a single pic also. Where would I find these default values to change from 320 x 240?

    in tinymce/window.php

    Thanks Alex!

    Hi, sorry, I don’t get the “tinymce” link (the owner is selling his website…?)? I’m looking for a way to have my singlepics larger than 320×240 as well, and can’t find that option anywhere –

    any help, please?

    Thank you!

    Ok the path nextgen-gallery/admin/tinymce/window.php

    However, I changed the values for the single pic and when i insert fron a nextgen gallery and select single pic they still default to the old 320×240.

    Any ideas?

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