• NGG v. 2.0.31

    Has anyone successfully used NextGen with responsive themes that use the Visual Composer plugin? I have discovered the following issue/incompatibility with the Themetastic theme from Themeforest…

    Neither the Attach to Post (TinyMCE button) nor shortcodes are working to display galleries or recent images when used in a text block. When attempting to insert recent images using the TinyMCE button, only a single thumbnail image is displayed. And, shortcodes do not render anything at all. The issue persists even with the Visual Composer turned off.

    See example at:
    (Scroll down to “Photo Galleries” about half way down the page.

    Galleries are, however, displaying on this page:
    (Both TinyMCE function and shortcodes are working properly.)

    The only difference between these two pages is that the gallery/shortcode on the home page, is itself wrapped in shortcodes.

    For example:

    [ vc_column width="1/2" ][ vc_column_text ][ ngg_images source='recent' display_type='photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails' ] [ /vc_column_text ][ /vc_column ]

    (NOTE: Spaces added so codes don’t render here.)

    So it appears that the NGG shortcodes do not work when wrapped in shortcodes. On the Gallery page, no shortcodes surround the NGG gallery or codes

    If anybody has any other insight as to what might be causing the galleries to not show, please advise.

    The theme is clearly capable of rendering the NGG shortcodes since they work on the Gallery page, but no matter what I try, they will not render on the home page.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Please note that the links above are for a dev install where things may be constantly changing.


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  • Thread Starter agreda


    Please Note: The first link above no longer shows the issue of NGG shortcodes not being rendered, but rest assured the problem persists. I have just found a temporary work-around.

    The theme’s Visual Composer that I am using allows for the insertion of a widgetized element. So, I inserted the NextGen Widget configured to show recent images and now they display.

    This topic is not resolved.

    I am hoping someone from Photocrati can provide feedback for getting the shortcodes or ATP function to work, as I would much rather prefer to have more control over how the gallery displays.

    I’ll gladly help troubleshoot this issue and help test any fixes. What other information can I provide to make this happen?

    Thank you in advance for any help.

    Having the same issue, the slideshow won’t work at full size. Super annoying.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @agreda – Please feel free to submit a Bug Report (https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ … please reference this topic) so we can try to help you sort this out.

    We may need to get a set of login credentials for your WordPress installation for our Support Team / Developers to use, please include those with the Bug Report, too.


    – Cais.

    Have the same issue
    Wordpress – 3.8
    NextGen 1.19.6
    Visusl composer 3.6.10

    2 issues that I have not found an answer to :-

    NextGen (using latest 2.0.40) and WordPress 3.8 – images are cropped and only show 1/4 of images.

    NextGen 1.19.6 + Visual Composer 3.6.10 – then nextGen image paths no longer work – it will display a thumbnail list of images – but lightbox effect just shows a blank image.

    After spending a whole day trying to work out what works and what doesn’t – I gave up and had to restore back to WP 3.8, NextGen 1.19.6 and no visual composer.

    Anyone have any ideas of configs that work please let us all know

    added this line in – as I forgot to click to get notified of any updates

    Solved the gallery problem (nexgen and others)
    I had the same problem tried out different gallery plugins. I uze wordpress 3.9 theme is The 7 (great) with build in visual composer latest version.

    I bought Gallery Bank this worked out also in my theme the 7 with build in visual composer. But i had one big problem in the settings you can only tell one time how many thumbnails there has to be on a page (No possibility for individual gallerys on the website all the samen. . Kost 17 English pounds no refund. I looked further because is desperately needed a good and flexible Gallery solution. Than i found Easy Media Gallery Pro from Ghozylab https://ghozylab.com
    After trying the free demo i had to conclude that it worked within Visual Composer. So i bought the pro version 24$ and installed it.

    All my wishes came trough. Very flexibel also for individual albums. After making a thumbnail grid album en filling it with pictures there is a small problemen When i want to put in the short! In the Visual editor the little icon for inserting the gallery did not show up. But i found a simple workaround. Go to the page where the gallery has to be placed. Design the page with visual composer en add a textblok for de Shordcode from the new galery.

    Klick on de Classic mode button. Now you see only code and the gallery add button. Create the short code, it will be places in de codepart of the page. Coppy out the short code, activate visual computer button en past de short code in the text blok you made for the Gallrey
    Now you are just as happy as i am no mor nightly worries and bad gallery dreams.
    Have a look here https://franzbodner.com/kunst/zeefdrukken/

    Greetings Harrie Denkers
    From Holland

    Yesterday and today i just tried or there was anything changed in Visual composer and or NextGen. I was very happy to see that now you can use Nextgen in Visual composer. My configuration is WordPress 9.1, Theme The7 (visual composer is implemented) i use not the latest version but the version before that one. The latest gave me some strange trouble things. I use Nextgen Pro.

    I think the reason why it works is because the gallery in now inserted as a iframe.

    When making up a new gallery page with the gaps dividers and so on jou can insert a text block. When its inserted you click on the pensil icon and now (i) you seer the green little blok icon from nextgen and you can insert a gallery. You only see the green Nextgen button in the classic mode and in the edit mode!

    It also possible to put Visual composer in the classic mode en put the cursor on the bottom of the page en from the Classic mode you see also the green Nextgen icon. After inserting the gallery you van click again on the now called Backend editor. The gallery is now in een text field and from the pensil button you can edit the gallery.

    The best way is insert a textblock go in the edit mode en insert a gallery.

    Hope that i helped some one out with this information. I am very pleased that it works now. Nextgen is the far best solution to let my clients make there own gallery’s. Much beter organised,

    See for your self.
    (horizontal filmstrip)
    (horizontal filmstrip) /a>

    Now i have a new problem and that is to get nice Caption text en wel positioning
    Harrie Denkers
    From Holland


    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @harriedenkers – A new issue should have a new topic … please start a new topic with the relevant details to the issue you are trying to resolve.


    – Cais.

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